chapter 5; The Magic

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Chapter 5 "the magic"

I finished reading the note in shock. I mean to you, it's like wow she's a pixy but to me I'm like "WWWHHATT"??? I'm a what I don't get it, I've been a human my whole life then I get a random card saying i'm a pixy, what's a pixy what I went to Lunch ate my cupcake and corn dog and I touch the "wand" from my lunch bag and put it in my boot; school ended and I got to the bus. when it was my stop i jumped off that bus and ran home. me:dad? DAD?! I showed him the note He smiled and hugged me

Dad: I've been waiting for this day for 15 years, when's your meeting with oke

Me: tomorrow

Dad: I'm coming

Me: I don't get it? I'm a pixy?

Dad: yes, your mom was a fairy we met and got marred on are wedding day she told me. I was shocked but I loved her the same she taught me some magic stuff but I don't know much I know you guys have powers and you use them to stop warlocks there EVIL fairy's.

me: so now what?

Dad: aren't you going to the mouse theatre in 10 minutes?


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