chapter 2 cruel school

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Chapter 2:"cruel school"

we walked in to spirited high school and went to 1 period

Mrs.p: late again miss Trix?

Me: sorry it was the bus

Mrs.p:oh yes the "bus" well than you

and the bus have detention, oh and kit happy birthday

(I hope grace got detention too)

Period2,3,4,5 were normal

walking to class (6th period.) I met up with Jake

J: so I here'd you have detention

Me: ya today

He shows me what's in his hand it's a crumpled piece of paper

J: ill see you there, now hurry we don't want to be late again

He grabes my hand and pulled me to gym, we sit down and then go to the locker rooms

Gena: oh god, when I tripped you your face got all torn up

Lily: no that's just her face

popular girls: iww

Kit : just leave me alone

gena:oh happy birthday how old are you turning seven

Lily: probably have you seen her clothing?!

Gena: you mean her rags?!

I grabbed my stuff from my gym locker and got changed in the bathroom stall then i reapplied my smudged Mack up

Emily: (knocks on the stall door) don't feel so bad she's mean to everyone

I walked out

Me: thanks, but not as bad as to me.

Emily: (hugs me and walked away)

I don't even know who that girl was and she's hugging me , but she seemed nice. I left the bathroom and ran out of the locker room, with a big smile on my face, it wasn't a real smile I just wanted gena to think she didn't hurt me.

Then we did worm ups I always love watching jake for worm ups because he got so in to it, it was adorable

The bell rang and we went to lunch it was fine, grace,jack Dan and I sat together like usual.

Turns out grace didn't get detention, so I would be alone with jake, I didn't get freaked around jack because I've liked him since the first day we meet and we have been friends since that day.

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