Beautiful Dancer

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Spinning and turning,

Twisting and learning,

She’s not one to hear the burning.

What burning may you ask,

What burning may you say,

The burning that makes children stop and pray.

The burning which started deep at night,

As the Natzi planes began to fight.

The burning that tore her whole house down,

The burning that spread all the way uptown.

Beautiful girl spins and twirls,

Up and down bounce her soft brown curls,

And all the other little girls,

Envey her eyes which look like pearls,

While all this havoc is unfolding,

Beautiful Dancer carries holding,

A steady beat of Spinning and turning.

A clap and snap, she’s twisting and learning.

Beautiful girl is a beautiful dancer,

A pride, a jewel, a graceful prancer.

Beautiful girl smiles and carries turning.

As she’s not one to hear the burning.

*****Written as a memorial to WWII and dancing*****

This is dedicated to imissubear for making the beautiful cover and the ones in the slideshow. ^_^

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