Chapter 7

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We began to walk out, but Annie stopped in front of me. "Where are you two running off to?" she asks. I felt Kat's thoughts go crazy. She thought of Annie as a threat. But she isn't one at all. "We really have to go. We have to find our friends." I say. Annie steps closer to me and kisses my cheek. "You said y'all can communicate with your minds. Can't you just find each other that way?" she asks innocently. "Oh gag me." Kat says bitterly as she walks over to James.

"That's your brother?" he asked. "Sadly." I heard Kat reply. "C'mon. At least stay long enough to go to school for a while." Annie says, hugging me. "Please?" All I did was sigh and give in. "Okay. But only cause you asked." I admit it, her southern accent is cute. Kat groaned behind us as she walked with that James guy.

Annie kissed me and she walked back over to the group. I heard Kat's thought in that moment. 'Two can play at this game.' Kat thought as she pulled James in, kissing him passionately. My heart shattered. No matter who I kike, Kat will still be the girl I love.

Kat pulled away, glaring at me. I looked at her with glossed over eyes. She completely ignored me and walked with James to her separate group. "So. Kayden you'll be going to school then?" Annie asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah." I said, walking over to Annie and kissing her. 'Yeah. Two CAN play at this game.' I thought to Kat.

The next morning, I woke up at Adam's house in the guest room. I walked out to the kitchen to see Adam's mom holding two uniforms. "Private school?!" Adam asks. She nods, handing us our uniforms.

We ate breakfast, got changed and ready to leave. A knock on the door made Adam jump from his seat. He answered the door, hugging the girl standing there. He brought her into the living room to hang out before we left.

At school, the girl stopped me outside the room I had to go into. "I'm sorry to stop you, but Adam didn't introduce us." she said. "I'm Scarlett." she said. "I'm Kayden." I said, backing up slightly. I was just glad I had wear a blazer or my wings would be on display for all to see.

Scarlett let me pass after talking with me and learning a lot about me. Only then could I go into class, where - again - she was there. But she had a phone with her. She seemed to send a message to someone but I didn't see who. All I was thinking about was Kat and getting us back to the group.

I remember meeting Kat when I was nine and she was eight. ' "We're okay here." I said. "Dr. Hollinsworth would never let Dr. Frischsen hurt us." Kat looked at me with big brown doe eyes. "What about Dr. Scheffield?" she asked. "It's okay. They won't hurt us. We're in this together." I said. "Together?" I nodded. "Forever." ' Before I knew, the bell rang for us to leave.

I tried to communicate with Kat, but she refused to reply. So, I tapped into Rachel's mind. 'Did you find Alex and Grant?' I asked. 'Yeah. We're fine. As soon as I know our hideout location is safe, I'll send you the coordinates.' she replied seconds after. 'Thanks kid.' "Why are you so smiley?" Annie asked as she walked up to me. "No reason." I said. Scarlett walked up to us, her smile falling slightly when Annie kissed my cheek.

"Hey Kayden." Scarlett said. "Annie." she glared at Annie as she clung to my arm again. "Hi Scarlett. Here to try stealin' my boyfriend again?" Annie said with a fake smile. "Oh honey, I won't have to try stealing Kayden. He's already mine." Scarlett said. She walked up to me, and pushed Annie away. "You'd be much happier with me. At least I'm not a prude." Scarlett said as we walked away.

"Are you serious Kayden?!" Kat yelled when we were sitting high up in an oak tree at the park. "You can't go around dating girls all willy nilly! You're gonna get your ass kicked!" she said. I ssat calmly, allowing her to rant. "Are you done now?" I asked, bored.

I walked into Adam's house, one side of my face red and stinging. "Woah. What the heck happened dude?" Adam and Jake said in unison. "I was slapped by someone." I said.

We hung out for a while until Jake said he had to leave. Before he got out the door, Adam and I heard a girl's voice. "Where's Kayden?" Jake walked back in. "He's right in here." his eyes were - different. Only one person does that. "Kat?" I asked. "Kayden. I'm going to kill you." she said, walking into the room.

I stood up as soon as she was in the room. "Why are you gonna kill me?" I asked, walking up to her. "First Annie, now some chick named Scarlett. God, how many other girls are you dating right now? Three? Four? Tell me." Kat said, demanding. I stood confused for a moment, unable to form a coherent sentence. "Zero! I don't want to date anyone! It's just happening." I say. Kat looks at me with absolute rage in her eyes.

Kat sighed , shaking her head. "Unbelievable." she said. "I just - I can't believe I thought you'd stay the same once we got out of Ide. I can't believe I liked you. You're just an ass." Kat said, walking out.

A few weeks passed and I couldn't get more than two words from Kat. I went to school, saw Annie, left with Scarlett, and we hung out at the park. "So who's the girl Adam was talking about?" Scarlett asked. "What girl?" I ask climbing onto a tree branch. "Kat." If I fell in that moment and died, that would've been better than standing on that branch with a terrified expression.

"Kayden? Are you okay?" Scarlett asked worriedly. "Uh - yeah. Yeah I'm fine." I say, my voice raising an octave. I turned on the branch and - now - I fell.

I didn't fall from the turn. No. I fell cause Rachel's voice was suddenly in my head. 'Kayden!' I heard in my head. 'What?' I ask her. 'The hideout is safe. I'll send the coordinates now.' she said. I got the coordinates and being me, I forgot Scarlett was there. I unfurled my wings. So now black feathers flew about randomly. "What the -?!" I looked over at Scarlett to see her confused and - sad?

I walked over to her. "I'm sorry, I have to get back to my friends. The ones that aren't here." I kissed her before I turned and took off, the afternoon sun warming my wings. I stopped at Dana's house to ask her where Kat was. "Last I knew she was going to James's house. It's-" "Two doors down from Adam. I know." I took off again. This time, I fly faster. My vision was spotty and I had no intention of slowing or landing.

I saw Kat about to walk in the house, but I landed quickly. "Kat." I said. "Kayden? Leave!" she said angrily. "But. Rachel sent the coordinates for the hideout." I say. Kat looked at James apologetically. "Go get your friends." he said, understanding.
Kat and I were out of town by sundown. But she wasn't happy with me.

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