Chapter 5

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"What do you mean she's gone?! She can't be gone! We're a pack! Packs stay together!" Rachel yells, fire emanating off her hands and tears welling in her eyes. "This isn't good. The others left with David to convince him that he didn't see us. But they could be anywhere. Kat could be anywhere." I could see that she was starting to freak out.

I took her into the office and I saw the plaque again. I picked up the papers I removed before. Now I could read what they were. "Reports on experimental success?" Rachel said questioningly. "This guy really is Scheffield. But that's absurd." she said. "Yeah. He should've died in the explosion at Ide. His office was open. I saw him in there. Unless-"

"WE KILLED FRISCHSEN!" we yelled. "Okay, okay. No worries. That just means we have one less doctor to fight." I said, trying to keep myself calm. "Okay. We can get through this. You have to look for Kat in the sky, while I keep to the ground looking for the others." Rachel said. I nodded in agreement. "Okay. Should we split up?" she nodded.

I took to the sky again after Rachel left. I stayed close for a while until I heard Kat's thoughts. 'Find safety. Stay away from the others. Don't trust . No more trusting people.' I think I dropped about twenty feet. My heart stopped beating for a moment and I thought I was gonna pass out.

I landed on top of an office building about ten miles from David's apartment. I decided to try tapping into Rachel's thoughts. Who knows, maybe I can communicate with her. 'Gotta find the group. I wonder if Kayden is okay. He's gotta be.' I heard it all. I tried sending a message to her. "Please let this work." I say to myself as I looked up at the sky. Damn. It's gonna rain.

'Rachel. Good God I hope you can hear this. I'm leaving the city to look for Kat.' I think, hoping she would get it. 'Whatever you can do to find her. You love her. Go get her.' That was all I needed to hear for me to go looking again.

The next morning I woke up in a tree. Literally sitting on a top branch in an oak tree somewhere outside the city. I lost Kat's thoughts about twenty miles back. I lost Rachel moments after I took flight again.

Kat is really gone. Dammit! Why does this have to happen? I dropped down from the branch to the ground. The impact would have killed a normal person. 'Good thing I'm not normal.' I thought.

It took me a moment to realize I wasn't alone. But I think they were scared. I mean I would be too if some kid just jumped off a 200 foot tree and survived. "Woah." I heard one of them say. I turned my head slowly to look at the group. It was a group of guys, and one girl. One beautiful girl.

She walked over to me, and looked me up and down. "How high up were you that you landed that hard?" she asked. "Uh.. Depends. You want the truth? Or a lie?" I said challenging her. I don't take chances. If they're with Ide I'll lie my way through it. "Let's hear the lie first." she said.

"Okay. I was only twenty feet up and I just happened to jump off instead of just fall." I said. She glared at me. "Now the truth." "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said. "Then humor me." she said, stepping closer. "Okay. I was 200 feet up and I jumped down. I'm not normal so I was able to survive. And when I say not normal, I mean this." I let my wings unfurl. They wrapped around the girl and I. "Holy crap." she whispered. She stepped closer, looking me in the eyes. "What's you name bird kid?" she asked. I didn't appreciate the nickname, but I answered anyway. "Kayden." "Well Kayden, I'm Annie."

We stood for a while in silence but it wasn't uncomfortable or awkward. Someone from Annie's group spoke up. "Yo Annie. You think he'd fit in?" she smiled. "Definitely. You're comin' with us bird boy."

I folded my wings tightly to my back. "Well. I don't just have wings." I said. She eyes me, confused. "Well. What are ya hidin'?" she asked. I took a deep breath before allowing my eyes to change to ice blue, and my canines sharpened and grew. "Dang. That's awesome!" Annie shouts, catching the attention of her group.

We all walked out of the park and onto a fairly busy street. A few horns honking here and there, small stores were open. Annie was wrapping her arms around one of mine, leaning close. 'Find shelter. Trust no one.' Kat. She has to be near. But if I leave, what would they say?

"In here. A friend of mine is a tattoo artist. We get free tattoos. You want one too? Or are you the type to be afraid of needles?" Afraid of needles? People actually have fears as pitiful as that? "I'm not afraid of needles." I say. Annie smiled. "Perfect."

We walked into the tattoo shop. A guy walked over to the counter and smiled at Annie. "Hey. You back for another tattoo already?" he asked. "Not today Jake. But my new friend Kayden is. He likes wolves. Surprise him." Annie said winking at me.

Jake took me to a small room in the back. I watch as he sketched out a wolf on paper. "Hope you like the tattoo. You'll have it for life." Jake said. The wolf sketch was transferred to a spot on my arm, near my shoulder. A humming noise that sounded like a soft buzz began. "The needles may seem like the work is fast. But you'll be here for a while. Can you handle that?" Jake said. I nodded. "Go for it."


Okay! 5 more chapters left. I haven't done an A/N on this story, so now is a good time. When I finish this story completely, I'll be self publishing on Amazon. When chapter 10 is up, I won't mark this as complete because I'll be updating people on how the story is going. Once it is on Amazon, I'll be posting a huge update sating how to find it and how you can read it. Also, I'll be making a few changes to these chapters. Kayden's tattoo? That might change. My mind changes a lot. So we'll see. Until then, The next update should be up next week.

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