Chapter 3

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(Pic of Evan aka the guy she's talking to)

"W-who are you" I ask him it looks like his laughing at me by the way his shoulders are moving.

"I'm sorry but shouldn't I be the one asking you that you are throne tied up on a tree" he says still laughing his the one walking in the woods at this time

"What did u do to deserve this?" He says eyeing me

"Nothing" he just keeps looking at him like if his answering a question in his head

"So a-are you going to help me"

"Oh yeah um here" he starts walking up to me and grabs the chain and brakes it

"Thank you"

"So are you going to answer me question" why do I feel like I can trust him. I don't even know his name and I feel like I can tell him everything. The way his looking at, it's like he actually cares

"I found my mate and-"

"And he rejected you"

" did you know"

"Well since you tied up to a tree and not with him...lucky know if I where you I would have run away ages ago" run away? I couldn't do that, not to Chloe and na'na, and even my brother. I could never leave them

"I...can't" he looks at me if I was crazy, like if running away from your pack was okay and easy

"And why not?"

"I can't leave them"


"Chloe, na'na, and my brother"

"Well think about it" I'm about to ask what he means my 'think about it' but he's already gone. Can I leave? Would they understand if I wanted to


Everywhere I go there's classmates pointing and laughing at me but I just ignore them or at least try to. I never did anything to them yet they treat me this way, I never did anything wrong to be treated this. I start walking to my fourth class but I accidentally bump into someone because I was looking down when I was walking even though I always do that, I look up and see Rachel.

"Watch where you're going trash" Rachel says, but smirks when she sees my bruises. "I-I'm sorry Rachel I...I didn't see you there...I just ...I just" I don't know what to say I just don't want to make her more angrier.

"I'm sorry Rachel I didn't see you there I just I just" Rachel starts mimicking me "you know what just shut up and stay out of my way" and with that she starts walking to class. I want to tell her I wasn't really in her way but she would only punish me.

I walk in class and sit all the way in the back because I don't want them to see my face because they either show me sympathy or just make fun of me the humans are the ones that show me sympathy and the ones that make fun of my are the ones I would have considered as family.

I start to feel tingles all through my body and smell something sweet and comforting. I look up and see Angus walk into the class room.

I always had a huge crush on him but I never would have thought that he would be my mate and I his.

I look at him with awe but it changes into sadness when I see him walk up to Rachel and kisses her. Can't he tell that he's slowly killing me, that they all are. I wish Chloe was at least in one of my classes but I only see her at lunch and when I get 'home'


"I swear to god she hates me" Chloe and I are in the cafeteria eating our launch and she keeps talking about Mrs. Green our history teacher.

"What did you do this time?" I ask trying not to laugh, but I just can't they been at each other throats since our first day of sophomore year. I start to feel the same thing as I did in my fourth period. I look up and I see Angus and Rachel walk to there table and his arm is around her shoulders and her's are around his waist. I start to think of how I wish that was me with him when Chloe brings me out of my thoughts.

"Ugh I hate them" Chloe says glaring at them. "Who?" I ask even though I already know who she's talking about. "Angus and Rachel and there whole fucking group, but the thing that pisses me the fuck up is that we should all be sitting together since we are a fucking pack" I guess she's right. I look around us and see pack members sitting in different tables not acknowledging the rest of the other pack members.

"I guess you're right" I tell Chloe while I keep looking down at my hands.

"Ugh why did he have to be alpha why couldn't someone else" Chloe says, and I just laugh "who else would have been alpha all the guys in our pack would be a terrible alpha I'm pretty sure if someone else was alpha we would already be dead."

"No I meant" Chloe says while looking at me.

"Me? Why me?" I ask with a confused look "because your smarter then the rest of us you would know what's to do if we had a problem or-" Chloe stops talking and looks at the table where they are "or at least be our Luna" Chloe says while looking at Rachel, oh Chloe only if you knew.


My favorite place to go when I feel lost in my life is the woods. Some people might think it's scary or wired. But I think it's peaceful, listening to the wind move through the trees.

My favorite thing about coming to the woods are seeing the dears I think their so beautiful and also the foxes.

I start walking back when I hear something behind me. I turn around and see the same man from when I ran out of school. "Hello" he says to me while smiling not in a freaky way but in a way that says you can trust me "um never told me your name" I say looking up at him. " oh I apologize my name is Edward, Edward Kane"

"So Mr. Kane what are you doing in the woods?" I ask "looking for you" he answers while walking up to me. " me? Why"

"Because I can help you find out what you are"

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