Pulmonary Edema

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Hi, I'm updating. I've also come up with an updating schedule. Hopefully I'll be updating every Friday or Thursday. So yeah, please comment and vote.

Calypso POV

I watch as the blond one, Jason sits by the fire. He's staring at the fire but it's obvious he's not seeing the flames. Thirteen, he's thirteen and the other boy, Leo, is twelve. They've got their whole lives ahead of them but here they sitting in an abandoned warehouse building with no glass in the windows and damp everywhere. It's not fair that we should have everything and them nothing when the only thing setting us apart is where we were born, it's pure chance.

Everyone thinks this is Annabeth's crusade of course and for the most part it is but she doesn't know how to act on her feelings or know anything about what it's actually like out here.

"Are you from that big tall tower?" I hear Leo ask Piper. Apparently sensing some disaster, everyone turns to look at them.

Piper sneers, "No, you idiot. I live in a mansion with a huge grounds and, like, a million servants. God, I thought we were the same age but you're far too stupid to be the same age as me, what are you ten?"

"No, actually I'm twelve and I think the flats are nicer than being here. A lot of them are actually fancy." Leo counters, barely blinking under Pipers death glare.

"Yeah, well, you would think that wouldn't you considering you live here." Piper smirks cruelly. Suddenly Jason jumps up and drags here out of the room into the main one, ignoring her screaming protests.

Frank yawns and returns to his position on the couch with Grover and pulls the blanket over himself. Grover is still asleep and snoring slightly.

"Come one, Annabeth, Will you should go to sleep." I say returning to my own position on a mattress that's about as thick as two yoga mats on top of one another. Annabeth and Will go and lie on the mattress without protest but Leo goes to sit by the fire. I fall asleep watching him as he drew on with a stich from the fire,

Percy POV

"Come on, Haze, we're almost there. It'll be okay, just stay awake." I whisper to Hazel as we run. Thalia had to pick Nico up because he was slowing us down. Hazel nods sleepily up at me.

We finally reach Luke's warehouse. It's lit up as though it's a working factory, and the guard at the door sees us coming and runs out to meet us.

"Are you okay, what's going on?" he asks and I see it's Chris.

"It's Hazel," Thalia gasps, "She's sick and coughing up pink stuff."

Chris immediately lets us in without even consulting Luke when he sees the state Hazel's in. We run towards the medical wing where Zoe immediately takes her from me and rushes her to Apollo, the only adult here and luckily someone with medical training.

Luke arrives looking very tired with Reyna behind him. He immediately takes Thalia into his arms and I'm glad to see they're working it out but I can't take my eyes off where Hazel disappeared. Reyna approaches me silently, startling me when she puts a hand on my shoulder, "She'll be okay for now, Apollo will find out what's wrong with her."

"I know," I nod, "It's not exactly that I'm worried about right now, what if it's something really bad? We have no choice but to take her to the hospital and then it's social services and foster care for all of us. Now don't get me wrong, social workers aren't bad people and neither are some of the foster parents but them there are the ones who do this for show or their out sadistic pleasure."

"More than likely it'll be nothing," Reyna says though we both know that's not true. More than likely it's something bad and we'll have no choice but to take her to the hospital. The pink stuff is probably phlegm mixed with blood and God only knows what that means.

I go over to where Thalia has seated herself and plop myself down next to her. She and Luke are talking quietly but when I sit down they stop.

"Hey, Perce. Good to see you again." He says.

"If only it was by choice," I say, closing my eyes and leaning back against the wall. All the hours of lost sleep are catching up with me and I soon fall asleep.


I'm awoken my Thalia shaking me about an hour later, Apollo is there and Hazel is asleep in his arms. I sit up immediately and ask, "Is she okay? Is she going to be okay?"

Apollo sighs, "She's got a Pulmonary Edema causing her to cough up blood mixed with phlegm. I can't treat it, unfortunately, so you've got to take her to the hospital. I also don't know what caused it, you can give all this information to the doctors there."

"O-okay, we'll do that then." I stand up feeling shaky and try to take her from his arms but he steps back.

"I can drive you there but infortunatly, since I'm a fugitive, I can't act as your legal guardian to keep you guys out of foster care." Apollo says sadly, already heading towards the door.

I know what we have to do, fight to stay together but we have to tell them about Jason and Leo. We can't leave them by themselves and we can't send them here. We'll get out of foster care as soon as possible, as soon as Hazel's better. Of course, that could take months or even years but we could do it. I look over at Thalia and see the determination in her eyes. She's reached the same conclusion I have. Nico, who I hadn't realised was gone comes round the corner with Hestia. His eyes are red so it's obvious he's been crying but he seems okay now, chatting away.

As soon as he sees us he comes pelting down the corridor and launches himself into my arms. He's trying not to look at Hazel and he buries his head in my shoulder.

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