chapter ~ one

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I don't want to wake up. Not yet, I want to go back in my sleep filled daze where nothing and no one disturbs you. You forget about your pain, problems, cheating assholes, the heartache and the fucking loneliness for awhile.Temporary bliss ,that's more like it .

Waking up means facing reality. Facing people who would stare and not minding their own business. So what people get played and dumped all the time and I'm no exception here. So what my boyfriend kissed and fucked some random girl. I found out and yeah I've dumped him. I'm not even heartbroken, not even angry at him for cheating on me and that's could be a sign of me being an empty and soulless bitch. I guess at the end just my ego and my trust I had that's bruised and broken. At least he was honest and not an A-class coward , well he's still a fucking coward!
He could've fucked the nerd in our psychology class ,a lesbian even that extremely handsome gay guy in our literature class for that matter or the super athletic Pia.

No he just had to go fuck my cousin. My own flesh and blood. All I felt was betrayal and that godawfull sting in my chest as if someone is twisting a sharp blade through my heart. Twisting, turning and stabbing me repeatedly. If anyone told me that betrayal felt this bad, it's like a physical pain aching and throbbing like the fiery pits off hell. Wounds so deep and invisible to the seeing eye but inside I'm wounded. Lashed with the whip of betrayal.

But life goes on and holding grudges ain't my thing. People always say after huge fallouts that little phrase,
'I forgive you but I'll never forget '. Now I know what that words fully meant. You'll forgive that person or persons but you will never forget what they have done, no matter what. It'll fade away eventually and moved to the back of your mind -folded away in one of your mental cabinets locked away but its still there, programmed in your minds software. It is an internal and integral part of one's memory.

The alarm is blaring beside me , pressing the snooze button won't turn the time even if I wish it could magically do it. Rewinding the the past thirty minutes or so - when I was unaware of all the things plaguing my mind-where I was in a state of blissful sleep.

The hot water immediately turned my straightened hair to its usual state of curls. It coiled back plastering the hair in my face, my back and at the nape of my neck. My hair is the least of problems that I'm worried about now . I'll stress about later on and enjoy the warm water working on my tensed muscles. The water turned cold after awhile that's my queue for exiting the shower.
As I wrap my towel around my wet body I hear my mother scurrying in the kitchen -frantically preparing breakfast downstairs. I take my time in finishing up and going downstairs to a worried mother.

As I step into our kitchen I went straight to the kitchen island and hop on it - the child in me still enjoys doing it to my mothers utter annoyance. I grab an apple and sink my teeth into the juicy delight moaning unconsciously at the sweet taste.
"You're in a good mood ?" The words from my mother came out more like a question than anything else. Probably wondering about my sudden change. Maybe she expected the ghost I've become lately. The girl who didn't mind how she looked, I must admit that I was a slob and I felt like one. Mom's eyes had become glassy and a small smile tugged at her lips. She looked relieved and..happy? The silent question.

What happened...?

"My mirror that's what happened. " I give my mother one of my sweet smiles showing of my dimples. She always get a little teary eyed and gets that far away look, like she's spaced out for a bit. She came towards me giving that mother's love hugging me and kissing my hair. I love it by the way.
"Well I'm glad to have my baby back. I thought that you'll do something stupid."
I'm still enveloped in my mother's embrace. I can't help but hear her voice cracking at the end.

"I wouldn't mommy. I'm not even angry anymore and I forgave both Jenna and Hein. Things like that happens daily I just never thought that it will happen to me, I guess.
I trusted him. At least he was honest and very remorseful about everything."
I honestly felt relieved telling someone and not myself anymore. What's done is done nothing can change that and I don't want to be seen as the hateful ex and cousin. I wish for them happiness and not mysery.
"He better be or else..." My mom's eyes has that fierce glint and is sparkling with an evil malice but the smile on her face shows that she's just joking around. That made me smile knowing that she'll have my back no matter what.
"No mom I'll handle him at least I've got my girlfriends for back-up. I wouldn't want to ruin the great professor Sanchez' name,"
I smiled cheekily at her.
"Who's gonna pay for all my expenses!"
I pouted, pulling the puppy dog face on her.
"Your Dad and all of them Sanchez'family ofcourse. It's not my fault that you are a spoiled brat! It's their fault and your Abuela I swear she's the worst after daddy dearest." She huffed away leaving me on the counter probably setting the table.
"Mamá your hurting my feelings. I'm not spoiled and I only see her once or twice a year when we visit her in Spain. " I exclaimed though not really affected about what she said. I'm a daddy's girl and they do spoil me.

"Get off the counter young lady, I'm working with food here!"
My mom playfully
slaps me with a kitchen cloth and I jumped of the counter and taking my seat, just in time because my dad came in the kitchen. He went straight to Mamá not even aware of another person in here.

They are making out in front of me. As usual. My dad's hands is on my mom's waist and she's got her arms around his neck, kissing each other. Dad's thick black hair is disheveled, Mamá's curly hair is even messier.

My poor innocent eyes -what am I seeing right now. These two are married for over two decades and they still madly inlove with each other and you don't find it nowadays. It's very rare and special. I want something like that. A love like that.

But I really don't want to see my parents doing the nasty in the kitchen so I had to clear my throat or make a gagging sound.

"Morning Dad!" A smirk is lurking on my lips while eyeing my parents. They clearly thought that they were alone. I dont blame them. They are so cute.

"Hey honey" He is kissing my hair and pinching my cheeks. His eyes a blue grayish colour looks with so much love,adoration and questions at me.

"You're good and if your not I can go and tear that little shits head of for breaking my little girls heart."

That's my dad alright. He has a mischievous smile on his face but I can hear the seriousness of his words. He might as well mean what he said.
Tear that shits head off.

"I'm  allright Papá." I smiled at him , really smiled at him too show him that I'm okay and walk into his embrace placing my head on his chest. I could stay here forever but school is waiting and I'm a big girl."

Hey everyone. Firstly thank you each and every one who is reading or even added  book in you library, I appreciate each and every read and votes (even if its not many) .

Not everyone can be a John Green or a Danielle Steele.

Pssht I don't have a writer's bone in my body but I'm trying though.


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