Anger and Remorse

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Sorry about this chapter, it's more of a filler in my opinion. Enjoy anyway!


She paced back and forth in her room, which now felt very small. 'Rest' her uncle had said, and she had. For two days. It was torture, being made to stay in bed even when you could be up and around. She was restless, but if she put one foot outside the door an elf would come running and demand that she lie down and rest, her wound needed to heal more. She grimaced, her sound was doing fine, and that was that. Stopping before her balcony door she looked out and surveyed the surroundings. All looked to be peaceful, tranquil even, but underneath all of that she could sense the uneasiness that crept in from the cracks. It was the dwarves, she knew it, they were bored, and more restless than herself. She sighed, would they ever be content to stay in one place once even when they got to the mountain? And when would she be able to talk to her uncle?

Wrenching open her wardrobe door she pushed the dresses aside and pulled on the false back. It creaked loudly, but gave. She rummaged through the folded tunics and trousers, trying to find something that would be somewhat suitable in her uncles eyes. Finally she found a longer split silver colored tunic and a pair of tight black trousers that would fit the bill. Snatching a black under shirt she pulled off her flouncy dress and yanked on her clothes in a rush. She rushed to her chest, flung open the lid, and began to strap her weapons on. Slinging her quiver over her shoulder, she looked herself up and down in the mirror. She looked like she meant business. With a smirk and a roll of the eyes she headed out her balcony door.

Looking up and down the walkways beneath her room, she saw that no one was about. Climbing up the slender railing, she crouched low, peering over the edge. She jumped, using the railing to guide her down to the pillar that supported the balcony above. She shimmied down it, dropping silently to the ground with cat like reflexes. Straightening she hurried through the gardens, passed the sacred fountain, and into a dark hallway. She could hear the sound of metal against metal, arrows leaving their strings, and daggers burying themselves in their targets. It calmed her, making her feel right at home. The hallway ended abruptly, opening up into a large courtyard. The noise continued as she made her way passed the young elves in training, making her smile at the clumsy way they handled themselves. She had been like that at one time, slow and awkward. She spotted her two cousins battling it out in a well lit corner of the courtyard, swords clanging loudly. Sauntering up in a casual fashion she leaned against the wall, observing. They were so animated, knowing each other's move before they made it. She withdrew a short throwing dagger from her belt and began to twirl it in her fingers lazily. The brothers went on for hours, grunting and groaning in their effort to best one another. She rolled her eyes, this could go on for hours.

With a flick of her finger she sent the blade flying in between the brothers, narrowly missing both of their noses in the process. Jumping back, the snapped around to glare at her menacingly.

"What?" She said innocently, raising an eyebrow and shrugging,"You two would have gone on for hours if I hadn't intervened."

The sheathed their weapons and meandered over to her.

"So, Father let you out of your room finally?" Elladan asked rubbing a bruised elbow.

She looked at him with an irritated expression.

"That would be a 'no', brother," Elrohoir chuckled.

"So why are you out of your prison?" Elladan prodded.

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