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I have never known anything about Paris, I've never studied it, learnt the language or at least tried to search it up. That was up until June of last year of course, But besides that;I had and still hardly know anything about it.

Of course I knew about the Eiffel Tower and baguettes but I never really wanted to study it because I was a big believer in learning while you experience the thing, and that's what I was set out to do.

My mom and my father were obviously hesitant about me moving here to study, But I didn't really listen to their constant pleas begging me not to go, they always tried to stop me doing what I wanted but I was my own Individual, and besides; I was turning eighteen in June this year meaning I would be old enough to leave my parents and become an independent woman on my own. I guess I decided earlier would be better for me.

The flight here was nerve-wracking, and the child kicking the back of my seat did not help. BUT of course moving to a whole different place and not knowing anything about it is scary, but so is leaving your best friends behind. Portland would always be my home but I needed something fresh. Everything there was a mess. My mom and my father were filing for a divorce because they "can't stand each other" (The whole neighbourhood knows and sees that they love each other so much and that all it would take for them to make babies again was for my father to say "you're amazing" to my mom and she'd have her clothes off in seconds. But besides that, they really do have a un-denying connection they both can't see.) And my brother was moving away to New York because he didn't like us, neither did my sister who was also moving to NY because she wanted to keep an eye out on him.

But everything was too messy there, my family was a wreck and I was going to quit my job as a waitress at the lousy diner I was working at anyway.

My dad was a man with a lot of power, my family was well-off so I guess the money and the fame was getting to his head and he kind of stopped caring for us.

But so did my mom, she was also a wealthy woman, but she didn't really share any of it with us so I guess we had to earn things for ourselves.

But then I mentioned moving here and suddenly they both insisted they pay for my flight out and everything to do with school, which-I was hesitant about because like I said, I wanted to be independent, but I had realised my cheap job wouldn't help me much in my move here, so it then became clear to me that I needed to accept their help, otherwise I would be flat out broke when I came.

Now walking down the halls of the reception area of my new school ( School Of Paris ) My nerves are worse than ever. I can feel my palms sweating and my heart thumping. I want to fit in, I really do.

My last school made it so hard for me to do so because I wasn't "cool" enough for people to enjoy my presence. It was like I was in my own bubble that had population of two, myself and my best friend Reyanna.( Ri-A-Na it's pronounced.) but besides that, we didn't really fit in with the whole crowd, we were too "boring."

"May I help you mademoiselle?" A young, petite woman with red hair asks. Only now do I realise that I have been standing at the front desk for god knows how long stuck in my own thoughts.

"Oh, Sorry. I am Faith Young, I'm here from Portland. I enrolled late last year for-"

"Ah, oui Mademoiselle Young, Your father called in earlier talking about your exceptional work in your last school, Save your introductions darling, You're a senior, oui?"

Go figures my father would talk me up to the staff at my new school, Independent my arse. "Um..oui?" In hopes that means yes, I give her a smile and she returns it. "Wonderful, mademoiselle Young, your room is located upstairs on level six, room 376. No one has roommates, but please. Read the rules that your floor manager gives you, he shall give your key."

"Thank you, um-" i glance at her name tag, "-Mademoiselle Eva..."

Let's not talk about how I totally butchered that french word cause that'd be really embarrassing.

Giving her a tight smile, I pick up my bags once again and begin to make my way to the doors.

The campus is separated into six parts:

The Junior Dorms, Senior Dorms, Freshman Dorms, Reception, the actual school and then the science block. I find it so strange that Science block isn't located where all classes are held, but I guess it kind of makes sense?

The whole place is huge, and vintage. It pleases my aesthetic tastes but I can't quite understand what any of the signs say, it's really stressful.

I make my way into the senior building, and suddenly my nostrils are filled with the pleasant scent of bread, God I love the smell of freshly baked bread so much, but why do our dorms smell like it?

Eh. Making my say to the first desk I see, I tap the tiny bell and out comes this young man. Oh god, what do I say so he understands me? Whats something French?

"Hey, dude." He says in a way that says i'm not French, I come from California much to my surprise. "Um hey seniòr...Oswald...?"

He laughs, "That's Spanish but hey who even cares these days? I'm Jake Oswald, floor manager for the senior dorms. And you must be Faith, the red headed lady called to say a newbie is coming, so...here are the rules and-" he reaches under the desk to retrieve what I think is my key. "Your room key, call my desk if you need anything the number is written next to the phones in all rooms-BUT try not to call me cause I'm sleeping most of the time and I hate being bothered whilst doing so, anyway, other than that, goodbye mademoiselle Young."

And just like that, he's gone into the room thats located behind the desk, weird.

Shrugging, I tread down the hall toward the elevator, but as I am doing so a boy runs straight passed me and beats me to pressing the button. At first I think he's weird because Why on Earth is he running so fast just to press the button, and why is his shirt unbuttoned so far down? It's so cold.

"Sorry, I always have to press it first it's kind of my thing."

"That's cool."

Then it goes silent.

The doors ding open and we both step in I press level six, and he presses seven.




"You must be new." He says, quietly.

"How did you know?" I question, but automatically begin mentally slapping myself as his eyes travel down to the bags around me.

"I uh-"

"Yep. I know, you saw my bags--oh look i'm here! It's my level gotta go, bye."

I quickly begin to rush out of the elevator, taking my bags with me.

The doors ding again and I hear them close behind me. God that was mortifying.

Shaking the thoughts, I begin to tread down the hall, "376...376...376"

And to my left is my room, I slip the key in and step in.

The room is relatively small-not the small that makes you feel claustrophobic small- small like homey small. The small kitchen area is cute, the desk is black, the bed is a single but looks like it could fit three people in it. The bathroom is also small, but the closet. Oh the walk in closet has so much space. I can fit everything in it.

Taking a deep breath, I set down on my bed and close my eyes.

This is my home for a year, and I've never felt so at peace.


Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter, and I hope it's better than my last books! I'm super duper exited for it and I cannot wait to get deep into it!! I love you guys with all my heart, I'll see you soon.

All the love. x

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