Chapter 2

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I tried uploading this last night and it came up all weird xD ^.^ hopully uploading again will get rid of those mistakes. Hope you enjoy :)

 I looked towards Veronica and winked. I had a plan, she looked at me trying to figure out what I was about to do. I ran as fast I could, before reaching the tree I teleported. 

It felt weird it felt like my body was being hit by waves all I saw darkness. “Simon!!” I heard Veronica’s voice call out. I couldn’t open my eyes. “Do what he did, follow him and then proceed to the next step.” After a few moments, I felt my hand being held. I was losing so much energy I couldn’t breathe. The last thing I heard was my name being called out. 

I felt my eyes begin to open. I got up fast and almost fell. “Where am I?” I yelled out. My vision was blurry as I looked around the room. I felt like vomiting, I couldn’t tell what anything was. “He’s woken up!!” I felt hands restraining me. “What happened?!” I asked. “Your body shut down, you died but don’t worry we brought you back.” “What?! How did I die?!” “Your body wasn’t use to our rift dimension, your body tried every way to prevent pain and eventually shut down.” “Am I going to be okay?” “Yeah, you’ll be fine darling, just give yourself a few minutes to learn how to use your body again.” 

After a while, my vision came back to me it wasn’t blurry anymore. “Look who’s finally up.” I looked to my side, Veronica smiled. “How long was I out?” “Nearly two hours.” “We were the first ones here, but then after a few minutes everyone came” “Like how many?” “About a hundred.” “When do we start?” “Tomorrow, today is the day that we settle into our dorms and learn about our competition.” 

I got up of the bed and smiled to the nurse. It was already 6pm and I hadn’t even unpacked yet. “Where are my things?” “Oh I brought them up to our dorm.” “How far is the walk?” “What walk? Oh I forgot you weren’t there for the presentation.” She pulled out a device from her jumper. The device looked like an advance remote, it was the size of a palm. “Press on the red button, you’ll teleport to our dorm, by the way first ones here we got the best dorm.” She pulled out another remote from her jumper pressed the red button and disappeared. I looked down to the remote and pressed the red button. We were in front of a huge building. I looked up at the sky, the sun had nearly set. We took a walk, as we got closer I saw the house was like a mansion, we got to the front doors. “Well knock.” Veronica said. I knocked three times. “I’ll get it!!!” I heard heavy thudding as if someone was running. The door soon opened. “Hey you’ll never guess who finally showed up!! Hey I’m Tim.” He put his hand out for a high five. I high fived him and smiled. “Come in.” I followed behind him and Veronica closed the door. “Before getting settled in meet the others.” 

Tim was of African heritage, he had blonde hair and glasses. He was 6ft tall. He had a muscular appearance and a kind personality.  

There was a long hallway with five rooms on each side. The hallway opened up into a glass hall. 

The floor of the hall and hallway was made of wood. The interior was painted white. The roof of the hallway was glass and it opened up into an open room. Which was very spacious, and had giant windows.

I walked into the open room all ready set up was a 50 inch flat screen TV, with four surrounding consoles, a shooting game was being played. A stereo, three couches, a mini fridge and a long table with laptops on it. In the corner of the room was a kitchen, with a microwave ,oven, fridge and slushy machine.  There were four others in the room, two on the middle couch, one in the kitchen and one at the table of laptops. 

“Markus, did you start the game bro?” Tim pointed his hand towards the TV,  the game paused. “Hey what the hell!!!?” A teen with a fringe, black hair wearing a tuxedo and of Asian heritage turned around. “Oh hey guys, Simon finally came!” He turned to face me, “hey man I’m Markus.” I smiled. The girl on her laptop turned around, she was a cute brunette with a slim body. “Hey I’m Rachelle.” She gave a smile and then went back to what she doing. The other boy on the couch turned around, he was white with black hair. He gave a smile, “hey I’m Mathias.” The girl in the kitchen looked towards me and gave a smile. She had black hair and a slim body, she wore jeans, a black shirt and tongs. “Hey I’m Elizabeth, but you can call me Bella.” 

“I want to challenge Simon to a fight, if he could please stand in the middle of the room.” “Oh my god Markus!!! You did this to everyone.” Tim said. I looked towards Markus, “you serious?” “You heard me white boy! Get your ass over there!.” He pointed to the middle of the room. “I won’t fight you!!.” “Are you afraid of getting your ass kicked?” 

Who did he think he was? He was being a nuisance, all I wanted to do was settle in. “Fine, I’ll fight you, but just to get this over with.” I blurted out. He jumped from the couch to the middle. “Nachos are done!!!!” Bellla yelled. “Nice set them down at the table.” Tim said. After a minute everyone was watching. “Let’s do bets!!!” Rachelle said. “Yeah!” Mathias agreed. “Twenty dollars on my man Simon.” Tim said. “Okay I’ll be taking down bets” said Veronica. 

I looked into the eyes of Markus, I had no idea what to expect. I took a deep breath. “Good luck man, whenever you’re ready white boy.” Markus winked. The tension grew stronger. 

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