no. 1 - everyone

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everyone + next generation

"Harry? Can't we use magic to just buckle their seatbelts?" Ginny Potter asked, anxiously, watching her husband, Harry Potter, strapped her youngest daughter, Lily Luna, who was only two years old, into her car seat. Her two older brothers, James, five years old, the eldest, and Albus, four years old, the middle one, already knew how to conduct themselves in the car. Albus and James sill sat in a small carseat.

"Oh, Ginny. I find it easier to just do it the Muggle way. Besides, Albus and James know how to buckle themselves anyway," Harry said, opening the front door and climbing into the driver's seat, "we need to raise our children to be open-minded."

"I guess. But I'm not sure of you, Mr. Potter," Ginny said, smiling.

"Well, I've passed the test, right, Mrs. Potter?" Harry plugged the key into the starter of the car.

"Fine, just don't get us into trouble." Ginny sounded really anxious.

"Don't worry." Harry patted Ginny's hand, affectionately.

"I hope it won't snow when we're in the middle of the trip."

"It shouldn't be. At least that's what Ron had told me."

"Ron is never correct. Whatever, we need to go. Or then we'll be late."

Soon, after begging to go to the bathroom from Albus many times and sighs from James a lot, they finally arrived at the Burrow.


"Rose, it's alright. The fire won't hurt you," Ronald Weasley told his oldest daughter. It was her firsttime using the Floo Network and she was really nervous, knowing that fire would burn you, and this was green fire!

"Yes it will!" Rose cried, crossing her arms.

"I want to go! I want to go!" Hugo, Ron's youngest son, exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"I'll go with you," Hermione Weasley, Ron's wife, said, holding her son's small hand; he was only three years old.

"Rose, watch Mum and Hugo go to Grandma and Grandpa's!" Ron exclaimed, sounding fascinated.
Hermione grabbed a hand full of Floo powder, stepped in with Hugo, who smiled so enthusiastically to his sister, dropped the powder and shouted her destination. Rose looked all over the fireplace for her mother and brother, thinking that it was a trick.

"Where's Mummy and Hugo?" Rose asked, scared to death.

"At Grandpa and Grandma's," Ron replied.

"Oh," Rose said.

"C'mon now, Rose. You're brother did it. Can't you?" Ron asked, crouching eye-to-eye level with his daughter.

"Okay, fine," Rose said, glaring at the fireplace.

Ron took hold of Rose's hand, turned off the lights of his home, grabbed Floo powder, and did the exact same thing as Hermione did before.

They appeared in the Burrow, Hermione and Hugo waiting for them, smiling happily.


"Merry Christmas, children!" Molly Weasley exclaimed and hugged each of her young grandchildren lovingly, who equally gave the same love back. Soon enough, cries of joy were escaping their mouths for their custom made Christmas sweaters had magically appeared on their seats.

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