The Bad Boy's Girl by @JessGirl93

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Okay, so if you havent read this book yet, where have you been? Under a rock? Anyway, this book has the perfect amount of romance and humour! @JessGirl93 has written an amazing story so far and there is more chpaters to come!

It starts off with your average teen girl, Tessa, finding out that the boy that teased her, Cole, is coming back.  Now, this is where the fun begins!  I will not spoil anything, so you should just read it for yourselves :)  Here is the blurb...

“Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything. They make you feel so alive that you’d follow them straight into hell, just to keep getting your fix.” — Karen Marie Moning, 

Hi,my name is Tessa O'Connell and I know a boy who:
-Frustrates me to no end
-Argues with me all the time
-Likes going through my underwear drawer
-Steals my (supposedly cleverly hidden) stash of Kit Kats
-Calls me shortcake even though I'm 5'7
-Makes me cry like a baby
-Has an unhealthy obsession with my personal life BUT he also happens to be my guardian angel and somehow I've started to (almost) like him...SHOCKER?

@JessGirl93 is amazing, end of!


Q. Is there snippets of your personality in Tessa? And what was your inspiration to write TBBG?

A.Tessa has a lot of things in common with me :p I think that's the only way I could've best written her, you know if I really knew her? So yes I cheated in that way. The shyness, awkwardness, sarcasm and inability to talk around hot guys is very much me. I've also got my own versions of Megan, Beth and Travis :) I wrote TBBG after re-reading my Princess Diaries books (juvenile I agree but they're awesome!). I remembered how good it felt to read a happy, funny, charming love story without all the angst and drama. Hence it became my inspiration to write TBBG.

Q. How do you feel about how popular TBBG has become? You have got a really strong and supportive fan base! Any tips to the new romance writers?

A. I could never have anticipated the response TBBG got. Honestly from day one I was surprised at how many people liked the story. So the best advice I can give new writers is to never give up and have faith in your writing. Eventually you'll find people you love your work and who support you. It'll be the best feeling in the whole entire world.

Q. Have you got any other stories up your sleeve once you finish TBBG?

A. Yes I do in fact :D I do have some unfinished stories but recently I've been working on one which has a similar vibe to TBBG and one I think the readers will love! I can't wait for you guys to meet Colton!

Q. What other genres do you feel comfortable writing? Would you ever write a horror, fantasy or a thriller book?

A. I don't see that happening in the near future. Since I only like reading Romance, I'll mostly or rather always write romance-it's what I know best. I'd really suck at the other genres :p

Q. Has Cole Stone got any secret that haven't been shared with the world yet? Haha

A. SURE. I'll give one away right now. He shares his birthday with me :) That'll be the 13th of September and make him a Virgo-the coolest star sign ever. For more secrets you should check out his book 'Chronicles of A Bad Boy' :)


Q. If you were stranded on an island with Cole, what three items would you take with you?

A.Would I really need anything else? :p But hmm, my iPhone so that I could update you guys with his brilliance. A notebook so that I can write down the best bits and remember them later-and Nutella. Always Nutella. I'll spread it on a coconut if I have to.

Q. Nutella or Strawberry Ice Cream? Haha

A. Oops, I answered that in the above question didn't I? I'm currently going through my third jar of Nutella this month. It's a disease. Though strawberry ice-cream will always be my first love <3

Q. Your favourite book?

A. Harry Potter, 'Always'-Please read that exactly how Snape says it. These days I'm also loving reading romance novels by Indie authors that I find on Goodreads. It's an amazing experience :')

Q. Any phobias?

A. I have every kind of phobia imaginable, really. Name it and I have it. The worst would be my fear of cockroaches and loud noises. If you come near me with a balloon, I'll run screaming because I'm afraid someone will pop it.

Q. Any interesting facts about yourself?

A. I'm going to college as Pre-Law *gasp* but I'd love to be able to major in English too!
-I have the most stereotypical taste in music. Top 40 on the radio is not the coolest thing to listen to but ...Pop is fun! I wish I had a cooler taste in music.
-This year my birthday will fall on a Friday. That'll be Friday the 13th. Please imagine me rolling my eyes her.
-I've read more than 150 books this year!
Hmm that's enough rambling about myself. Thank you for interviewing me, I had so much fun. And to anyone who reads this interview, thank you for reading and enjoying my stories! I love you guys to the moon and back <3

The next interview will be with @katrocks247

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