Star Trek Voyager: Fascination (Chapter 74)

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“A boy? Oh that’s wonderful news!” Admiral Janeway exclaimed in delight, beaming at the expectant parents, Tom and B’Elanna, with pride before her brow creased questioningly, “Why did you wait until now to say? If you’d said an hour or so ago the whole crew could’ve known!”

B’Elanna smiled wryly, “Well, you know we’re not the attention seeking type…” She replied, quick as whip, earning a laugh from both Tom and Chakotay before she continued on in a more serious tone, “We really just wanted to keep the news to close friends for now. We don’t want Miral feeling overwhelmed.” She said honestly as her eyes moved between the few remaining people still sitting in Seven and Chakotay’s party ravaged living room.

“That is wise; although I’m quite sure your daughter could cope with most situations.” Seven said warmly, smiling in amusement when she saw Miral. The little girl sat sandwiched between two cushions, frowning determinedly as she fought drowsiness and occasionally casting a disapproving glance at the three elder Kotay children, who lay curled up together like a litter of kittens, already sound asleep after their exciting day.

“True.” Tom agreed with an affectionate grin at his wife, “She’s her mother’s daughter through and through.”

“I’m wondering what’ll be like to have a miniature Tom Paris running about though!” Harry interjected jovially.

Tom shook his head, “There’s only ever going to be one of me, thank God!” he replied in the same tone.

Chakotay noticed Tom’s face tighten as he said this and realised the other man was nervous. It was well known that his relationship with his father, the famous Admiral Paris, while on a good footing now, had been difficult in his youth. Quietly he got up and shook Tom’s hand firmly, “Congratulations, both of you. I’m sure everything will go fine.”

Seven felt awe at her husband’s constant perceptiveness overwhelm her, certainly not for the first time, as she watched Tom and B’Elanna both murmur their grateful thanks. She was so lucky that he had deigned to love her… Her cosy, loving thoughts were interrupted by the harsh sound of Petronax clearing his throat suddenly and put his hand familiarly over the Admiral’s.”Kathryn…” He began in that disarmingly syrupy smooth voice, “I think we had better take our leave now, we have our meeting with Senator Drollan in the morning.”

“Ah yes, I’d almost forgotten.” The Admiral said quickly as she moved closer to him, picking up her coat as she did so. “Thank you for throwing this party, it’s been great to properly see you all again.” She said warmly, addressing them all. She then turned to Seven and Chakotay in particular, smiling down at the baby in Seven’s arms. “I hope Taya keeps being as nice and quiet for the two of you as she has been for this party.”

“I’m not holding my breath.” Chakotay answered with a chuckle, tensing as Petronax approached Seven and kissed her hand gallantly.

“Thank you for allowing me into your home tonight to welcome your new child. I truly appreciate it.” The Romulan told Seven in cut-glass tones.

Seven quickly withdrew her hand from his, trying to stop her eyes from narrowing in distrust. “Thank you for attending, I…can see that the Admiral values your friendship, and as such so should we.” She said as diplomatically as she could muster, relieved when she saw satisfaction fill the Admiral’s face.

“We’ll see you all soon!” the Admiral declared as Petronax swept her out the door.

Silence reigned in wake of their departure for several seconds before Tom finally bit the bullet and said, “Well, what do you think of him?”

B’Elanna shrugged, “What can I say? He’s more charming and handsome than any Romulan I’ve ever met, but I doubt he has a drop of honour in that green blood of his, given his species track record.”

“Aww come on, I know Klingons don’t have a good record with Romulans but if the Admiral likes him…” Harry began defensively.

“I agree. If I am too judgemental on the basis of his species then I am in danger of being hypocritical, considering the opposition I, as a Borg, faced.” Seven murmured thoughtfully.

Chakotay winced at the memories of what he and Seven had gone through to prove the strength of their relationship to others and looped an arm tightly around her shoulders, which she immediately leaned into with a tired sigh of gratitude. “It’s not the exactly the same.” He whispered softly in her ear before continuing in a louder voice, “I agree in principle, although even if his intentions prove to be romantic and nothing more I can’t help wondering why the Romulans are suddenly so involved with Starfleet…” He felt Seven stiffen beside him, causing baby Taya to wake up and whimper.

“We’ll just have to be careful what we say around him until we find out.” Tom concluded.

“The Doctor always told me to deploy polite small talk with people I don’t know or trust entirely.” Seven mused quietly.

“I think that was one useful thing he taught you in those social lessons!” Tom laughed drily.

“Tom, I think we’d better get our priorities right and get a certain little girl home to bed.” B’Elanna murmured softly, pointing to Miral, who it seemed had finally succumbed to sleep, her head slumping heavily forward.

Tom nodded hurriedly and carefully took Miral up into his arms as if she were made of glass. Harry already had Laura but turned back to his hosts before following his wife and the Paris family out of the door, looking guiltily around the house, strewn with the remnants left behind from a large party. “Do you want us to stay and help you clean up?”

“It’ll wait until the morning.” Chakotay answered tiredly, no more motivated to tackle the disorder than his friends. “Bye, thanks for coming.”

When the goodbyes had been said and he’d locked the doors for the night, Chakotay headed back into the living room to see Seven kneeling over the three sleeping toddlers, stroking their tousled locks of differing shades of dark hair. “It seems a shame to move them, doesn’t it?” he murmured, squeezing her shoulder supportively, “They’re more peaceful like this than they ever are awake.”

“Yes…” Seven agreed in a choked whisper, looking at them and then cuddling the new baby close. “They grow up too quickly…”

Chakotay was stopped from answering her by the sudden opening of Michael’s hazel eyes. “Mama, I’m sleepy…” He mumbled.

“I know angel.” Seven replied softly, taking his hand. “Come on and we’ll all go upstairs.”

“Taya too?” he asked.

“Yes, Taya too.” Seven confirmed as she pulled him gently off the couch and towards the stairs, tonight not bothering to chastise him for putting his thumb in his mouth.

Chakotay braced himself as he heaved both Max and Aylen into his arms and proceeded up the stairs before Seven and Michael, hoping against hope that he’d manage not to wake them. The last thing Seven and he needed the first night home with a new baby were late night demands stories or snacks. Just as the thought left his head, he stumbled slightly on the staircase, causing Aylen’s read to jolt up from his shoulder in wakefulness, “Bedtime story Papa!”

“Damn.” Chakotay muttered under his breath, earning himself a warning elbow in the ribs from Seven as Taya began to cry.

A/n: Please review! :D I intended to make this much longer with much more kiddie fluff but I’m out of time so that will have to wait until the next chapter.

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