Star Trek Voyager: Fascination (Chapter 43)

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“And you’re sure that lying to them won’t be destructive?”

Chakotay lifted his head up from the wooden train track he was assembling. “Telling them about Santa Claus doesn’t count as lying Seven!”

“But telling them that something fictional is real is clearly deceptive. What if they resent us when they realise?” Seven asked worriedly as she wrapped up Aylen’s doll in fuchsia coloured paper and set it under the rather haphazardly decorated tree decorated by the twins the week before.

“Look, parents have been telling their kids about Santa for generations and it’s never done them any harm. My parents did it, I’m sure yours did too…”

“It seems a great deal of effort to expend only to prolong a fantasy…”

“They’re children they’re allowed fantasies and it teaches them about being generous…” Chakotay was becoming slightly flustered as he struggled for words to explain the Christmas traditions he’d been brought up with.

Seven sat back, perhaps it was better to allow these human notions she didn’t understand to go over her head, the children had enjoyed hearing their father’s story and anticipating the day. “If you believe its right then everything will be fine I’m sure.” She said with a smile, knowing she’d done the right thing as she saw Chakotay relax and lean over her to reach the plate of biscuits sitting on the coffee table. “The children made those for…” she began to admonish before halting as she realised she was taking the fiction too seriously. “How long are we going to have to do this for?”

Chakotay chewed the biscuit thoughtfully before answering. “I don’t know, ten years maybe?”

“Ten years! Surely by the time they’re eleven they’ll know what we’re doing…”

“You’re forgetting someone very special.” He reminded her.

Seven looked at him in confusion for a second before following his gaze down to her abdomen. “Oh, of course!” She gave a small laugh, how could she forget that they were going to be doing this all over again?

Chakotay kissed her tenderly. “It’ll all be worth it when you see their faces in the morning, I promise.”

“Yes, I know.” She murmured seriously, before her sense of humour struck her and she arched an eyebrow. “Do we have to eat the carrot for Rudolf too?”

Chakotay laughed so hard he almost choked. “Whatever you want!”

The next morning Seven and Chakotay had difficulty holding the twins back from the living room door. “Are you sure you don’t want breakfast first?” Seven asked, if they were this hyperactive now what were they going to be like if they filled up with chocolate?

“No bweakfas.” Said Aylen pointedly, staring at the firmly shut door.

“Kistmas fiwst.” Michael stated in a determined tone.

Chakotay felt himself start to give in and prepared to open the door but Seven spoke up firmly. “Say please first.”

Chakotay stared at her in disbelief but Michael and Aylen quickly realised what was expected of them. “Pwease?” They said in unbelievably cute unison, Michael tacking on a pleading “Mama…” for extra effect.

Seven nodded at Chakotay and he opened the door, the twins running past straight at the tree. Chakotay whipped his head round to face Seven. “I can’t believe that worked, why did you…”

Seven gave an unapologetic shrug as she walked in the room. “Even in times of high emotion, manners are still preferable.” Chakotay couldn’t argue with that.

Star Trek Voyager: FascinationWhere stories live. Discover now