Chapter 3

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This week has blown by it feels like it was just yesterday I met werewolves. When I got to camp, Percy, Nico, Thalia, and I were put into extensive training for some unknown reason... Seriously no one would tell us why!

But today is the day that stiles and the pack come. I walked out of Zeus cabin and ran to the Pegasus stable and roped 2 Pegasus's to mine her name is Lisa I grinned as we were in the sky flying each second they got faster we weren't that far away from beacon hills at this point just 2 maybe 3 miles to go.

What are they going to say when they see that there getting picked up by flying horses? I wonder how the Pegasus's are going to react to werewolves flying them? hmm, so many things to wounded about. What I never stopped thinking about since I left Beacon Hills was two things 1)  who is stiles godly parent and 2) Peter, I couldn't get him off my mind no matter what I did and I have no idea why. Could I be in love? I wouldn't know I've never been in love, sure I had my fair share of crushes but that's all they were crushes.

Peter is different and I don't know why.

I landed the horses In front of the burned-down hale house and shiver I am not going back in there. "anyone in there? preferably stiles stilinski"I yelled getting off of Lisa I waited a while till nothing "seriously I don't know where they hang out at, Hades I don't even know my way around beacon hills" I mumbled to myself I sigh and grabbed a coin a through it up in the sun "accept my offering, show me stiles stilinski and the hale pack" I muttered and my eyes narrowed when I saw where the pack was. "wherein the Hades are you guys it's Friday and I need stiles"I screamed at them I almost laughed at there surprised looks when they turned towards me. I sigh and ended the call and touched the Pegasus's and shadow traveled to the place where the pack was.

The place that they were in was a huge apartment with one of those twisty stairs and a shed-like door it was huge. I looked around in awe "this place is awesome" I said walking up to the pack and hugged stiles saying hey before looking at the map that was on the table "ooh what's going on here what did I miss"I asked my eyes narrowing "well an alpha pack"stiles blurted out earning a glare from Derek I shrugged "a pack of alphas leads by the alpha of alphas I heard of them they turned Aden and Ethan"I stated sadly. Before the Titan war Aden, Ethan, Leo, and I went on a quest and we found the alphas, the twins went with them.

"Wait you know them, were they your half brothers too, "a wolf boy said sarcastically I rolled my eyes "No, they were sons of Athena," I said in a 'duh' voice "anyway as you can see I'm here to take stiles with me to camp, "I said seriously gesturing towards the horses with wings.

"What!? no, I can't go yet I need to help! I'm the brain in this pack, besides, Lydia when she helps"stiles rambled on I laughed at how adorable he is "well where is the alpha pack"I asked pushing Peter away from the map and looked at all the marks that were made, especially the big circle around a hotel sorta house, whatever it's called. I hummed "well let's go, "I said hyped up. I've been training all week and I learned new powers and can use the others better now.

"What are you crazy we don't have a plan"the wolf boy almost yelled I raised a brow as saying 'really' I chuckle under my breath "I don't need a plan I'm not wolf nor am I human I've been training all week and I don't know why, so I don't think I will need a plan against werewolves alphas ha"I spat rolling my eyes and crossing my arms glaring at him and everyone else, but stiles.

"Let's go, "I said quietly picking up keys and saw a flash of the past these are stiles car keys. I threw them at stiles and pulled him towards the car but stopped remembering the horses, I huffed "it's okay for them to stay here right?" I asked innocently, Derek grunted and walked out to his car. I shrugged and continued to drag him to his jeep "let the party start"I grinned at him as stiles turned his jeep on and followed Derek's car that held the wolf boy, wolf girl, and peter.

I tried to sit still but it just wasn't working I squirmed in my seat "so how have you guys been"I asked everyone in the car earning stares "right bad question" I mumbled.

I almost screamed out in joy when we go there, I jumped out of the car and raced towards the door, ran inside straight to the elevators with the pack trying to catch up with me. I pressed the button many times before a hand caught mine making it go to my side. I huffed knowing full well that it was Peter, from the sparks that shot up my arm. Well, that's new...


I literally cheered when the doors opened, I ran out but stopped, I had no idea what room there in, I sigh and walked behind the pack. I didn't want to be seen yet, I'm the secret weapon insert evil grin "what's with the evil grin are you going to kill us" stiles ask worriedly I snapped out of it and looked at him questionably "no why would I do that" I asked confused he shook his head and started forward. I shrugged and watched as Derek busted through the door.

The pack stepped in glaring at the alphas who were surprised, actually confused, I smiled and pushed through the wolves and demigod" hello" I said when I stood in front of Derek smirking "Nicole what a pleasure to see you again" Deucalion said giving me a crooked smirk "good to see your still good looking" I said grinning and skipped up to Aden and Ethan hugging them say I miss you's and all that stuff earning weird glances from Derek's pack I turned to face them "what I never said I hated them"I shrugged 

"you are going to kill us" stiles shouted, I laugh and shook my head "um no I still don't see why you think I'm going to kill you guys," I said confused "your friends with killers" Scott exclaimed my eyebrow rose "have you seen any of them kill innocent people besides their pack," I said with my head to the side Scott was speechless "Yes! They killed Erica!" I looked back over at the alpha pack with an eyebrow raised, Deucalion just shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal. 

I turned back to the Hale pack, " Okay, that is bad... but do I have to remind you that members in your pack and friends have also murdered innocent people?" and I'm not about to get into the fact that I myself have killed my fair share of monsters and Demigods. 

 "soo, you are going to kill us?" stiles trailed off I groaned "no" I yelled I stood in front of the alpha pack and faced them "why are you guys here, "I asked "you don't like small-towns" I stated "we want Derek and Scott in the pack" Kali snarled their names

I almost laughed "you want an alpha that has a bunch of teenagers and a true alpha who by the way won't be if you make him kill someone, wow good choice Deucalion," I said sarcastically he had this blank face on which means he's thinking... "there's an alpha in Virginia with a huge pack and another in Kansas why not go after them," I said simply, I know I just gave out two poor alphas but they creep me out and tried to kill me.. twice so I don't really mind as much. 

Deucalion nodded and said they'll leave in two days for packing and stuff, I don't know what they do.  I grinned and hugged them all bye before pushing the hale pack out the door waving bye to Ethan and Aden again.

"There, all taken care of. Can we go to the camp now I'm not done training yet"I whined while we were in the elevator. I saw stiles nodding from the corner of my eyes "we have to stop at my house first" he said firmly I smiled softly at him and nodded okay "mine to"Scott said I looked at him confused "the whole pack is going remember" he said in a 'duh' tone I glared at him "yes I do actually"I mumbled crossing my arms walking out of the building and into stiles jeep "everyone gets what you need and we'll meet up at Derek's place" I yelled as stiles and I drove off towards his house.

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