Ch 5

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I had never been a situation like this.


I had watched movies and perhaps read a couple of books but never had I ever heard about natural disasters occurring in sequence.

That's irregular.

Unheard of.

And while I was running for my life, I had the sudden realization that, no, this wasn't just a tsunami and an earthquake.

This had turned into an apocalypse.

I frantically cast a look behind me and saw that it was slowly consuming us so I grabbed Phillip and urged him to run faster.

I heard an ear splitting shriek come from what I was running from and I knew it was Lisa.

I turned around and began to run towards the crack that had devoured her but Phillip grabbed me by the elbow and shook his head.

"She's gone and we can't go back or we'll be the same", he said.

I nodded and we kept on pushing on and on, I saw Dalí out of the corner of my eye catching up to us.

I let out a quick breath of relief until I felt my foot catch onto something.

I tripped on a rock and fell on my stomach, I felt the ground rumble and struggled to get up.

Dalí came up beside me and I used him to stabilize myself and stand up.

The cracks were nearing when I felt a hand tug on mine and I looked up to see Phillip.

I smiled and yelled, "NOT TODAY SATAN", as I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

Soon, we reached a cluster of buildings and decided to go to the very top of them.

We decided that it would be best to be off the ground even though if the ground devoured the building we would still be screwed.

We went over every option and decided that each one came with risks so we chose to go to the last floor of the building.

As we went up the stairs, it hit me that Lisa had died.

I barely knew her so I wasn't upset about it, I knew that sounded cruel but that's what my life had turned into.

Might as well start getting used to it, but no matter how much I tried to convince myself that that was the way i felt, I knew it wasn't.

The moment my parents surfaced in my mind, I choked back a sob.

Lisa was one thing but my parents, they raised me.

They made me breakfast every morning, provided every little thing I needed in life, but most importantly, they loved me like nobody would ever be able to.

The type of special love that parents and children share.

But now they were gone, I didn't realize I was full on crying until I felt Dalí nudge my hand and Phillip's hand was lifting my chin.

I looked at his concerned face, his knitted eyebrows and worried eyes.

I didn't want him to see me as fragile and vulnerable so I took his face into my hands and pressed my lips against his.

It was the most innappropriate time to be doing that but I just wanted distraction from everything.

Tears kept falling down my cheeks and slipped into both our mouths as we made out.

He then pulled back and looked at me for a long time before pulling me into a tight hug.

"I think this is what you need more right now", he whispered.

I started crying even harder and leaned into him, finally surrendering to my emotions.

We weren't even all the way up the buildings but I was having an emotional breakdown here on a staircase while the ground was eating up the town I walked normally just yesterday.

I took a deep breath, pulled back, and wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry, let's keep going", I said as I started ascending the many stairs we had left.

"No need to apologize but think of it in better terms, at least they're not going through this hell right now", Phillip said.

"Yeah, that's true"

We finally reached the top and opened the door leading to the roof of the building.

Phillip went first, his mouth was agape and he was staring at something.

"What is it?", I curiously asked.

He didn't respond so I widened the crack in the door and stepped outside.

My eyes landed on something and my eyes went huge with surprise.


My mouth turned into a smile.

This changed everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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