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Since our adrenaline had long worn off, we were starving, damp, and injured. Lisa had a gash from her stomach to her hip from her fall when a piece of metal scraped her.

After some thinking we decided to go to my home so we began the treacherous walk there.

As we tredged through the water, I grew more worried with every step I took.

What if my parents died? What if my dog was dead? What if I didn't even have a home anymore?

Soon, the street I lived on came into view. Lisa looked over and gave me a reassuring look.

I continued the short walk until I was directly in front of the house—what was left of it anyway.

What was once a two story house was now a bunch of wood and dust piled up. The ruins were lopsided and I let out a sob. I ran towards my home, they could be under there.

They had to be.

Lisa didn't try to stop me, instead she followed me, "don't worry, I'll help you look".

I approached the pile, picked up a disheveled plank of wood and threw it to the side.

Lisa helped me, I didn't find anything except a photograph of my parents and I.

I folded it and carefully tucked it inside the pocket of my sweater.

Now all I had to do was keep believing they were here somewhere perfectly fine, even if it was underneath this heap.


They weren't dead.

They didn't have a scratch.

I frantically started digging into the ruins and my hands began to bleed but I didn't care.

Lisa came up to me and gently pulled me back, "I'm sorry".


I escaped her grip and picked up another piece of what used to be the wall. I saw a hand peeking out but it's owner was still pinned down.

Lisa saw it too and helped me uncover the person.

I let out a shriek when I saw the state that my mother was in. Her arm was completely twisted and her face was bashed in.

I started sobbing and edged myself towards her, I put two fingers against her neck.


I tried her wrist.


I pressed my ear to her chest.


The person that gave birth to me died. The person that raised me and taught me right from wrong was in front of me, dead.

I couldn't handle this.

I let out a sob and began to punch all the battered up wood around the house.

In just a day, I had so much taken from me.

Just that morning I was sitting at the table with my mother arguing about whether pancakes or waffles were better.

I let out shrieks of the pain that came from my heart and I couldn't ignore how empty it felt.
As if someone had poked a hole in it and the love that my mom had for me just leaked out.

I was torn out of my vulnerable state when I
I heard a noise coming from the backyard.

Lisa and I exchanged looks, maybe it was my dad.

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