The Reaping

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I woke up and a shiver went down my spine. It wasn't from the cool breeze from my window. Today is reaping. I trudged down the steps of my house into the living room, hoping this day could just slip away. I probably have the largest house in District 4 other than victor village.

I saw my little sister with blood shot eyes looking down at a plain peace of toast. It hurt to see her look that way. I wish I could take her pain away. Every twelve year old would be looking like this today. Except the crazy ones, with Hunger Game obsessed parents that have been training since the age of six. Kids like that usually only came from the first three districts, though.

"Don't worry Taylor, your name is only in there once. I'm sure you won't get picked." It was so hard for me to believe myself. I wrapped my arms around her trying to comfort her. Since the last few years it seemed like the tributes were all under 15.

"Soon all of it will be over. Dad even promised cake this year. He said that you can pick it out from the bakery." That made her smile a little, but I could still see the worry in her eyes.

"Let me start doing your hair." I said as I started brushing softly. Just the thought of her being reaped made me want to break down into tears. I have to stay strong for her.

*4 hours later*

We walked into the square together. I was holding Taylor's hand tight. I was wearing a yellow sun flower dress, my hair was up in a pony tale.

We got our fingers pricked than went our separate ways. I went to the 16 year old section, and her to the 12 year old section. The annual movie played, and I annually ignored it. I scanned the crowd of boys to look for Jesse. I found him standing boredly, his hair messy as usual. He noticed me looking at him and turned towards me.

"Good luck." He mouthed.

"You too." I replied.

Namibia, the lady who pulls out the names, was wearing a powdery red wig and red cheeks to match. She looked like a clown. I feel bad for the tributes if the have to have the same make up artist this year.

I looked over at my sister again, but she was chatting to one of her friends.

"Ladies first!" Namibia screeched into the microphone. Her long fingers gracefully reached into the bowl and pulled out a single piece of paper. "Astrid Moonlit!" She said. My heart pounded hard in my chest. My throat felt hard and dry as I slowly walked onto the stage. I could here faint cries from Taylor. This couldn't be real. 

"Its a nightmare. I'm dreaming, the reaping is tomorrow." I thought, trying to calm myself down. Except its not, its real. I'm really going to die.

"And the boy tribute is.... Jordan Shining!" She  said. A familiar name, but I couldn't think where I heard it before. I tried to look at his face, but tears blurred my vision. I tried to focus, why do I know him.  I guess it didn't really matter now, in a few months one of us would be gone, if not both. He looked maybe 14, but somehow he was calm.How could he be calm at a time like this? He smiled at me gently, a slight dimple on his cheek.

And then my heart stopped.

"I VOLUNTEER!" Jesse shouted. The boy was his little brother.

My legs feel as if they will collapse under me. There has to be some mistake.

"Your name is?" The lady asked him.

"Jesse Shining" he said clearly. He stood beside me, but I couldn't look at him.

"This years tributes!" She said cheerfully. I shook Jesse's hand, I didn't want to let go. Letting go meant losing everything we have. It meant that nothing could be the same again.

My world has crashed and burned and this is just the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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Reaped: A Hunger Games StoryWhere stories live. Discover now