One Week Before The Day

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"Hey Astrid!" My best friend, Jesse, shouted. He brushed his dark blonde hair  out of his hair and looked at me with his soft grey eyes. We've been friends ever since I can remember.

I ran across the warm sand as the cool water brushed between my toes. The sun was barely over the horizon, making the sky a beautiful yellow and pink color. District 4 is the best district in my opinion. There is nothing like the cool sea breeze at the waves crash against your toes.

"Catch any fish yet?" I asked. He was knee deep in the crystal blue water with his fathers old sphere. He's the third generation to use it.

"Not yet, maybe you should try sometime, Princess?" He smirked, teasingly.

"I'd probably do better than you!" I said shoving him.

"Oh the mayors daughter thinks she can fish, now does she?" He snickered. Whenever he smiled like that his dimples, that he hated, would show. The adorableness almost made me forgive his mocking attitude today. Almost.

"Shut up!" I said shoving him with a little more force now.

He grabbed my shoulders and dunked me into the salty water. My blonde curly hair dripping wet.

"Jesse! You're going to pay for that! Just wait." I said pouting with my arms crossed.

"I can feel myself shaking." He laughed. I shook my hair side to side splashing him with the water.

"So, Astrid, are you ready for this years reaping yet?

"No, why, are you?" I said looking at him, my eyebrows raised.

"Why do you always get so worried, Astrid, I just want the dumb thing over with and then everyone can stop worrying for another year."

"Yeah, same here. Its just..."

"Just what?" He asked.

"I'm worried about it, terrified actually. This is my little sisters first reaping, and then your name is in there 24 times." I said barely above a whisper.

"28. And you don't think I could win, do you?" He asked flexing his muscles. I smiled slightly and shook my head.

I sat down at the edge of the shore. Jesse came and sat next to me. I could feel the warmth of his breath tickling my neck. He gently put his arm over my shoulder. I remember when we were little kids sitting here looking over the horizon. Staying outside as long as possible, away from everyone else. I just wish I could freeze this moment.

"I don't know what I'd do if you got reaped." Jesse said into my ear. It surprised me that he brought it up, he usually tried to avoid the subject with one of jokes.

"Yeah, but my name is only in there 5 times." He looked at me with his crooked smile and I just stared into his eyes for a few moments.

"Astrid! Papa said its time for lunch!" My little sister, Taylor, screamed.

"Coming." I yelled back.

"Bye Jesse, I have to go." I said nodding to him

"See you later." He said. I waved at him as I walked away and the distance between us grew farther apart.

Reaped: A Hunger Games StoryWhere stories live. Discover now