Chapter 2

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The memory of my childhood showered me when I entered the kingdom of BlueDragon. Nothing did really change much. The kingdom was is still one of the most powerful kingdom in the land of Gaia.

I walked slowly reminiscing how I walk here with ace. I wonder if he remembers me. We lost contact when I moved to the north shrine. You can't send letters there because it's just going to get lost.

"Here! A golden egg, it can make your wish come true" a merchant shouted trying to attract customers. Who's going to fall for that shit? It's obvious his lying how he tries to hide his laugh whoever approach him.

I ignored every merchant that try to sell me random item like a fire breathing necklace, mermaids tear. I stumbled upon an inn and I remember how my dad always go here if he wants to get a good nice drink. I could get a good one right now since I don really have a plan how to get to the palace. I just can't go in the main gate and knock. I'll be instantly killed.

I made my way to the nearest table and sit." How can I help you sir?" the girl said eye raping me. I smirk at the thought. "Yes, give me the best drink you have" I winked. She blushes and nodded as she make her way toward the counter. "Girls" I smirked.

"Is this seat taken?" A girl voice distracted me from looking at the waitress ass. I could tell that the girl can handle herself pretty well. Having a sword beside her waist. Standing proud. Wearing a full silver armor.

"Help yourself" I said.

"So. What's a pretty boy like you doing here all alone?" She said bluntly. She sit to the chair across the table "are you a prince from another kingdom?"

I chuckled at the thought" No, I'm just a knight wondering around.."

She eyed me "I could tell. Are you planning to go to the knight competition tomorrow then?"

I furrowed my brows "competition?"

She rolled her eyes" yes, a competition to see who is the strongest knight here in Bluedragon. Not only that, the winner will have the right to be the personal knight of The prince."

My heart suddenly jump up when I heard his name again. A feeling I ignored again since my childhood. "Where can I sign up?" I immediately ask forgetting about everything.

Becoming a personal knight of Ace? That would be fun since I heard the prince always go to this hard missions. Earning him the title Slayer of dragons.

As much as I hate to admit it. I wish I didn't have to leave 10 years ago. I wish I didn't have to leave my k
my best friend. I wish I was there with him to slay the dragon. A feeling of sadness suddenly engulfs leaving me staring at someone boobs.

"My eyes is up here asshole" she gestured with her hand. "You can just Walk in and sign yourself up tomorrow morning in the plaza. The king and the princess will be there to watch the show. I don't know if the prince will be there since I heard some humors that his fiancée is giving him a hard time." She said

Ace has fiancée?! I didn't even heard the news yet. I don't know why my heart suddenly drop. I thought that it's normal since his my childhood best friend. It's normal for me to feel like this. I convince myself.

"You ok there?" She said bringing me back to reality.

"Y-Yah. Are you Entering the competition? "I changed the subject.

She scoffed " No. I have something better to do."


"Can't tell"

I stopped asking since I'm not that curious anyways. I'm not a nosy person. Besides I don't like it when people get in my business.

The waitress came back with the drunk that I ask. She eyed me again after leaving to leave me with my business.

"She's eye raping you" she smirked. "Wouldn't blame her because of your looks" she admitted.

"Meh, I'm not that special. I just happened to be her type." I ignored her flirting with me. If this is any other occasion. I would've flirted back but after hearing about tomorrow's competition. All I'm thinking about right now is how to win it.

She stood up "My name is Lina, in case we meet again" raising her right hand in front of my face.

"Evan" I replied

"Until then, the wandering knight" she smiled as she leaves the inn.


What the fuck am I doing? I thought to myself as I walk around the kingdom not knowing where to go. I rented a room for the night but I can't sleep. I don't know if it's because I'm excited or scared for tomorrow.

Excited that I might see my best friend tomorrow. Scared that he might not remember me and ignore me. He told me he will wait...

I continue to walk around the kingdom aimlessly hoping that I would feel sleepy soon.

"You look like you need help" a shadow of a guy appeared in front of me.

He smiled evilly "give me your money if you don't want to be killed" he spit in the ground.

Is this guy seriously trying to steal from me? I shrugged not caring "I don't have money. Go fuck yourself" I spat

He immediately reach down behind him to get two swords. "Last warning kid. I ain't playing around here" he said as he pointed two knives at my direction.

I sighed bored "go fuck yourself"

He immediately run towards me with intent to kill. I was about to draw my sword when another figure showed up.
Before I know it. The person that was attacking me is on the ground. Handcuffed.

"Let me go!" The guy shouted. The other guy knocked him unconscious with a single strike on the head using the handle of his sword.

"You ok?" The guy asked as he makes his way towards me.

"I didn't need help" I eased my eyebrows. Do I really look like I'm that hopeless

"I know. If I didn't stopped him, he will be dead by now". He looks at me confused" are you from around here? I've never seen you before?"


"Here for tomorrow competition?"

I raised my eyebrow shocked " Yes, how did you know?"

He smiled " you look like a knight. A good one too." he drags the guy body with his left hand." I have to deal with these thugs again in the middle of the night" He sighed scratching his head.

"Who are you?" I blurted confuse

"I'm a royal knight, my name is Isaiah"

A royal knight?! There are 5  royal Knights in the kingdom of bluedragon. All of them are skilled warriors and killers. I'm surprise he saved the guy in was going to kill.

"You're strong huh?" I blurted out

"Na-" a loud bell rang inside the palace cutting him of."that's my cue to go back.  See you...." He drags

"Evan" finishing his sentence

He turned around waving as he drags the thug body like a paper. Weird guy.


I woke up with the sound of birds chirping. I look at the compass time  immediately and was shocked that I'm almost late to tugs competition.

"Shit!" I screamed as I gather my things."shit!". It's fucking Ace's fault. I blame since his the reason I couldn't sleep last night. My minds keeps wandering to him for some reason.

Thanks for reading guys! Next chapter is going to be about the fight in the competition. Stay tuned. Thanks for reading <3. -KawaiiKookie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2016 ⏰

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