Cobalt Heart

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She drove a car the opposite color of it's name but it was all so fitting. I spent hours that added up to days that added up to months in that passengers seat. The words always seemed to flow in in those years; those words were as warm as the summer sun, as colorful as the fall leaves, and the stories we shared were as bitter as the winter cold and we bloomed new ones like flowers in the spring.
The nostalgic makes me ache. From 'The Banana' song on the last day of senior year, to the millions of trips to the mall, to the balloons and BB gun, to the field walks, to Prom, to the books and music we shared, to infectious laughter, to the Wendy's we snuck in to the movie theater, and to every single conversation in that car.
Young friendship is so sweet and innocent...even when it changes, that bond never does. I have Cobalt stained heart from the girl that drive a burnt orange Chevy Cobalt.

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