Part Three: The First Moves

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            “Must you go now?” Granny frowned as everyone stood in the front yard after the sun had long since set, “The trains aren’t even running this late,”

            “We’re fugitives,” Greed smirked, “we can’t simply take a train. It’s better for us to travel on foot and under the cover of night,”

            “Not to mention there isn’t much time before the ‘promised day’,” Ed added as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

            “You should really listen to what your dad’s got to say, Ed,” Winry frowned at him as he began to walk away.

            “Yeah, yeah,” he waved her off, but turned around and smiled at her, “and all of you need to keep yourselves safe,” his eyes flickered to Aileana, “I’ll take care of everything on the ‘promised day’ and come back in one piece. So while you wait, bake an apple pie for us,”

Winry smiled back and nodded. Edward’s group began to walk down the path and a feeling in the pit of Aileana’s stomach began to stir. She couldn’t just stay out here in the sticks and wait for the smoke to clear, she had to get in on the action and help out anyway she could.

            “Ed!” she called out to him. When he stopped, she waved at him, “Hold on a moment, I’m coming with you!”

            “What?!” Granny said in shock as Aileana ran into the house, “You can’t join this fight in your condition!”

            “I’ve fought in worse,” she started stuffing supplies into a bag then slung it over her shoulder. Looking towards the dresser she had been using, she picked up her wedding ring. In case anyone had recognized her, she stopped wearing her ring right after her arrival. Slipping it over her ring finger, she tied her hair up and ran out the door.

            “Wait,” Winry grabbed her arm. Looking like she was on the verge of tears, she brought Aileana into a bone crushing hug, “you better stay safe, you hear me?”

            “I will Winry,” she hugged her back, “and you know that Ed and Roy will keep me safe,”

            “You don’t have to go,” she pulled away.

            “You know that I have to. I can’t just sit here while every else risks their lives. I swear I’ll come back with Roy, Ed, and Al,” she gave her one last quick hug before she ran off to meet up with Ed.

            “Are you crazy woman?!” Ed shrieked when she got close, “You can’t come with us!”

            “Why not?” Heinkel asked, “She seems like she can handle herself,”

            “Of course I can,” she crossed her arms, “I used to be a state alchemist,”

            “Wait, isn’t she the pregnant one?” Darius looked at her closely, “I can see why he’s freaking out,”

            “The Colonel would kill me if anything happened to you!”

            “Edward would you shut up!” she yelled, shaking her head, “I am going, that is that, and there is nothing you can do about it,”

They were quiet for a while until Greed laughed softly.

            “Well, you heard the lady,” he started walking again, “she’s coming with us, so shake a leg,”

All conversation coming to a stop, the rest of the group began to move forward with Greed. Ed was beyond the point of anger; he was livid. How could she even think about bringing herself and her unborn child into such a mess like this? When there was such a high chance of them both dying? If the Colonel were here, he would be just as angry as Ed was, he knew it. This job was getting more difficult with each passing hour.

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