Chapter Two

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Chapter Two 

"Sophie Warren?" A nurse inquired glancing into the hospital waiting room. Sophie grabbed her bag and set down the tattered magazine she had been flipping through.  The nurse opened the door as Sophie followed her back down a hallway to a small room. As they both entered the room the nurse turned to Sophie and motioned to the examination table.

Sophie hopped up onto the table. The nurse looked at her charts for a few seconds before giving a sad smile to Sophie. Oh no Sophie thought. Another nurse who will give me sympathetic looks and try not to talk to me. Almost as if the nurse had heard her thoughts she quickly apologized. "Sorry I'm sure you get that look a lot." 

"Unfortunately I do. But goes with the territory." Sophie explained with a shrug.

"Well that was the last one from me promise. I'm Melissa." she said sticking out her hand.

 Sophie grasped her hand and gave it a nice shake. "Nice to meet you."

"So Sophie any changes in medical history since your paper work got here last week?" Melissa asked, grabbing the heart rate cusp and wrapping it around Sophie's arm.

"Nope, same old, same old." she sighed as she watched Melissa take her vitals. 

"Dr. Johnson said you just moved here a few days ago, how are you liking Beacon Hills so far? Kind of a quite little town." she asked trying to lighten the mood as she worked.

"I actually grew up here. Graduated from beacon hills high... 3 years ago." Sophie said counting backwards.

"You did? My son, Scott, goes there, he's a sophomore." she said writing down some information. 

"Sophomore year." Sophie smiled that had been a great year for her. She had made the varsity dance team and dated Stephen Thomson, the gorgeous junior and swim captain. That was the year before she found out she was sick. "It was pretty easy, well except for Mr. Harris's class. Do you know if he's still there?" 

"If he's the one that teaches chemistry than sadly yes." 

"Wow, I'm surprised he hasn't been fired yet. He was such an ass."

 "From all the complaining Scott does, he still is. He loves to pick on the kids that are in sports." 

"Oh he definitely does. I was on the dance team and I heard way too many jokes at my expense in his class." Sophie said rolling her eyes. 

"One of these days one of those big lacrosse boys are going to take their stick and shove it up his..." Melissa stopped her prediction as Dr. Johnson came into the room. She and Sophie exchanged a little giggle at the close call. He looked back and forth between the two of them for a moment before they regained composure. 

"The charts, Melissa?" Dr. Johnson asked. 

"Oh right. Sorry. Here you go, everything is about where it should be for her condition." she said handing him Sophies large folders. "It was nice meeting you Sophie." Melissa said giving her a warm smile. 

"It was nice meeting you too Melissa. Oh and tell Scott to try and hang in there." Sophie said. 

"Sure will. Bye hun." Melissa said before heading out the door. Dr. Johnson began going over a few things with Sophie. She would be making bi-weekly visits with Melissa for check ups and every two weeks she had an appointment with Dr. Johnson. At least with Melissa it wouldn't be so bad. She was funny and sweet. 

Sophie was a little wiped out after her doctor's appointment but still needed to meet with Lilly Green. She was a holistic healer, something of a legend around Beacon Hill. Curing colds and flus like no tomorrow but had agreed to see if their was anything she could do to help Sophie.

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