Chapter two

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Sorry I wanted to update yesterday but I had problems with my best friend his name is wifi haha ok so here you go... 


Adrian's p.o.v

 You never know what you had was special until it loses its value.

After my shower I put on my black skinnys with a red tank top then walked into my bathroom to put on the lightest makeup like I do every morning. A bit of foundation, some mascara, and tsome of the brightest red lipstick i own.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room I then put on my half cropped cut t- shirt which is why I have a red tank on. Today my t-shirt was a light grey colour with the word "SWAG" written in black. I then put on my black combat boots.

Today I woke up earlier than usual to make sure I had everything and was ready. I picked out my outfit for later which consisted of a simple pair of light green sweatpants and a white t-shirt that said "delicious no matter how you like it" and I put my South Pole varsity sneakers next to it. I started packing all my bags slowly moving every single thing making sure not to forget a thing from upstairs. I moved it all downstairs and decided to eat a quick protein bar. I then found my keys to my car which would be shipped over two days after I had arrived which meant I had to get rides. But that's easy considering who I am. I opened the door of my mansion like apartment and dragged two bags down into the elevator at a time while using one to keep it open. Once I had absolutely everything except my small items ( my purse, phone(galaxy s4) the outfit for later ect) in the elevator since I rather not make extra trips. Good thing I packed all electronic in one bag. As soon as the elevator closed I relaxed on one of the bags whew! that was hard work, sike it was easy for me. The elevator finally opened and I called Carter over. He is my best friend. He is 19 years old and is in collage but is graduating in two more months. He took a little break for the week to spend with me before i leave.He carried half of the bags and took them into the lobby and came back to the rest.

I walked out with him and we carried as many bags as we could as we walked outside I pressed the button on my car keys the beeping of my Range Rover went off twice. We finally placed everything everywhere in the car leaving only the passengers and drivers seats were open well I wasn't driving anyone today I'm going In solo to school then, ill meet up with the girls so it's fine. I closed the car and locked it.

I told Carter to come with me upstairs because I wanted to give him something. Carter is like a best friend to me. He's the only guy I really talk to unless I'm getting compliments, being asked out, or are dating them. I really enjoy his company.

On the out side I may portray myself as stone cold but on the inside all the way deep under I had a soft heart made of gold, and the only person who has ever been able to make it show was Andrew not even reckless and trouble could do that and I loved him for that. We have both agreed that we do not like each other in the way 'way' but as brother and sister, he try's to protect me but I'm tougher and end up protecting him. A smile crept up on me as I though about those times.

"Why are you smiling, oh so you are happy to leave me for a whole 2 months before I can come down on your offer?"Carter asked offended. Yes he was coming too there was no way I was leaving my soul brother. Even though there would be questions, I will do everything in my power, though I wish it was sooner he could come I had to wait

I sighed and started laughing  

" are too funny"

" Jay this is not the time for confusion and by the way you are going to be later than usual if you don't get out of this elevator"

"Oh. Right, don't worry Vin ill be back after school to see you before I leave"

"Ok see you later, I love you Jay"

"Love you too Vin"

I got out of the elevator an headed into my old mansion apartment I grabbed the house key my phone and the outfit for later then I looked the front door and walked out.

I got back into the elevator and went downstairs I met the lady behind the desk an gave her the keys thanked her and walked out.

I called reckless since we were meeting at school.

"Hey Scar where you at?"

"Oh, hey Dri im in my car and Ri is driving behind me on the way to school"

''im getting in the car now"

"ok where do we meet"

"meet me at that cafe next to the starbucks and we can go from there"

"Got it. bye"

I walked over to my car and drove down to the corner by the airport. I needed to drop my bags off for my trip. 

Everyone in this town is scared of me except Carter and the girls. Even though the girls don't know my past. Maybe i'll tell them one day.

Once i dropped of my bags the car was empty. I got back into it and connected my ipod, school starts at 9:00 and it takes about ten minuets to do everything before arriving so we'll be 4 minuets late. Perfect.

My playlist consistst of Justin bieber, One direction, Young money/cash money members, Mindless Behavior( don't judge me) and anything else that sounded good to me.

Then I realised I forgot to give Carter his surprise. Well I could give it to him when I come back. Since he isn't as rich as me we spend it together because I love him and want him to be happy.

I texted him to let him know.

To My love: forgot ur surprise this morning, don't worry I got u after school. See u l8r

From My love: ok! Can't wait to see what it is

To My love: don't worry you'll love it, I hope! Haha sorry I gotta go now bye

From My love: ok bye have a good day!

That is how he always ends his morning texts to me it was like a signature for us.

Then i start driving.

His contanct name is My love because we use it to scare obbsssed guys off. The picture that shows up is both of us and he is kissing my cheek plus he looks pretty intimidating.

I walked into the cafe right next ot the starbucks and saw the girls sitting at a table with three drinks. They knew what i wanted so they ordered for me i walked up grabbed the drink and put on my Ray Ban sunglasses. 

''hey, thanks you girls. Ready'' i asked.

''oh hey Dri, yeah lets go'' Amber answerd me, while April nodded.

We all walked out with our drinks and walked into each of our cars.

Song i was listening to when writing this [ Butterfly Fly Away by Miley Cyrus ]


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