Chapter one

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This is a story that i just decided was necessary for me to at least put up here because after all this is the generation of bad girls and good boys. So why not make something similar to the all too well known "i don't need your pity'' kind of story but with a lesson. This is also inspired by Human by TheCrazySideThat story was so original and powerful i loved it so much so i dedicate this to her.


Adrian's p.o.v

They say your past determines the future, well they are right because no matter how hard you try whatever happened back then will never leave you it makes up who you are.

That is why I am a stone cold badass. Even though I'm eighteen now I've been on my own for a solid six years.

Today marking the year I was officially alone I've decided to be extra cold so these bitches better stay out of my way before they get their asses fucked up! Kidding, kidding, haha.

Ever since I was twelve I've been alone. Back then I was a truly innocent child but ever since the tragedy that changed my life I have made a reputation. I am not scared of shit for shit.

My name is Adrian Jayden Butler but everyone who knows me which is basically the whole damn town knows me as  


My friends which I only have two of because bitches can't be trusted call me my real name and they are labeled as reckless and trouble just for being the best friend of a legally known and claimed bad-ass like me.

April is labeled as reckless don't even think for one moment that because her name is soulful and peaceful she can't cause harm that girl can punch you do not want to be on her bad side.  

Amber is labeled as trouble because all she does is cause trouble and she never seems to give a fuck about it and I like that about her.

So lets get one thing straight I. Trust. No one. Not even April and Amber a.k.a reckless and trouble no one at all and that will never change!

Me and my crew have decided we have had enough of this town so we were moving down to California where we could start afresh and scare new people haha a cold stone heart is the only thing I treasure in this life.

痾 ❤ 尾 後 イェそうsとね 胡  

(A heart of gold yet stone cold)

At least my parents left me rich as to I don't have to steal anything. I feel stealing is degrading and I like to keep my perfect image.

Today is the last day I'm am going to this school. I have at least one more year before i graduate. When i get out I'm going to NYU I've already gotten the scholarship.

I woke up on my large bed in my big apartment I had just sold it out and gotten by money back. I was surrounded by my bags that I packed I decided to just get my outfit for today and what I was going to wear on my private jet to California later that night.

For my last day at school I decided to go punk rock simple. Just because I'm badass doesn't mean I wear all black and have no fashion sense. I've been told I am the sexiest girl at my school so far.

Lets just see what this dreaded day holds

Song i was listening to during writing this [ For The Love Of A Daughter by Demi Lavato ]

This has been edited.

please don't steal my idea i work hard to actually make an effort.

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