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Kailee's P.O.V.

I let my eyes fly open and I let out a loud groan, not my best idea ever! I let my eyes adjust to the bright lights glinting off the white walls, I hate hospitals. I look around and find the heart monitor, I then grab my notes and glance through. Huh, I should be fine....good enough for me. I then proceed to pull everything out, a couple things hurt but I push it away, I remember everything and A was taken from me and I didn't anything! I quickly get changed again and luckily it seems no one saw my knife in my bra, I didn't have my thigh strap on my leg during the crash. I then grab the bag from the car and walk out the room, I see quite a few doctors and nurses at me but I continue to the main desk. "Hello, I'd like to discharge myself." I say and the lady smiles at me kindly but raises her eyebrow.

"Have you got permission?" I roll my eyes and take the paper from her hand signing it and stuff.

"What am I 5?!" The lady shrugs and takes the paper from me.

"Okay, have a nice day." I smile slightly at her but it's forced.

"You too." I say before spinning on my heel and walking out the front door, I check for anyone suspicious before walking to the pick up zone. I pull out some money and walk into the phone booth, I ring the taxi firm listed and ask for a cab to pick me up. I then hang up and try to decide on where they could have possibly taken A, I then walk out the booth and into the now waiting cab.

"Where to ma'am?" I sigh and shrug.

"The woods to the west please." The man raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything and sets off, I then pull out the disposable phone and ring my cousin. "Hey cuz."

"Hey, you shouldn't be calling." I sigh and he stops talking. "What is it? What's happened?!"

"They took him, they took Alex! I need to know where he is, help me out?" I say quietly.

"Of course, give me a second." I hear him type away on his keyboard until I hear him yell out a got ya.

"Where is he?" I ask him.

"Through the West woods, then at the very back there's a dirt road if you follow that to the right there should be a warehouse." I grin and shut him up.

"I know the place, I know that place like the back of my hand. It's where I used to train when I came here, huh when did it become their head quarters?" I wonder to him.

"As soon as they met you, they tried to find out everything they could from Mr and Mrs Jones." He says sadly.

"They were lovely those 2, always so kind about me training there." I say sadly back to him.

"Yeah, but they didn't break them. They just found out a couple things from around the house, they died from old age remember. We went to bust them out of there, but they all ran and those 2 were just sat there waiting." I let out a laugh and I feel him smile through the phone.

"Yeah I remember, I better go I'm at the edge of the forest. Bye cuz." I say through the phone.

"Remember stay ALIVE!" He yells before we both hang up laughing.

"How much do I ow you?" I ask the driver.

"£23.68." I throw him £25, then get out the cab and walking into the forest. I do just as I used to when I came back from exploring and went all the way through the woods and onto the dirt trail. Only this time I had to stay on the edge of the forest in case someone passed by, noticed me and dragged me there on the back of their car. Yes that has happened to me before, I was extremely pissed and lets say there was a lot of blood splat that day by my hands. As the house came into view I had a lot of memories rush past my eyes but pushed them away and walked to the house, I hid in the shrub and prepared my weapons. There were only 2 men on the front door, shouldn't be hard so I let my gun slides out the bushes ever so slightly and fire 2 shots killing them both. I then creep over slightly to make sure before walking around the sound of the house and checking the back, I take down that guard and walk back to check the roof. None up there, I glance at the basement door and pick the lock before swinging it open and checking all around. It looked like this had not been discovered, I closed the doors and walked across the room remember how I used to train in this very room.

All my equipment was covered in dust, I tried the door and realized that was locked. I lean down and see that it's dark in this room, I shrug and pick the lock before sliding in and letting the door close behind me without a sound. Hmm, seems like a bunch of jail cells had been added I start to look through them and my heart practically breaks when I see one girl crying. "Psst." I hiss at her, her head shoots up. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm Kailee, I'm a spy what's your name." The girl comes closer and I examine her small fragile frame, gosh she musn't have eaten in months.

"I've Olivia, do you know Alex?" I stare at her.

"Yes, I'm his girlfriend. Where is he?" I ask her, she start to let tears stream down her face.

"He was in the cell next to mine but they dragged him upstairs." I groan and pick the lock to her cell.

"Can you use a gun?" I ask her.

"Kind of." I pass her one of my guns from my belt and motion to the door I came from.

"Walk through there and to the other side, push open the doors and go up shoot anyone in site and run down the dirt path into the woods. Keep running if they follow you." She nods and gets up giving me a hug. "I'm gonna go save Alex." I say and pull away gently.

"Be careful." She says before walking to the door and shooting me a grateful smile.

"You too!" I say before walking up the stairs and opening the strangely un-locked door, I glance around before sliding out completely. I start to walk down the hallway and peer into a room which was open ever so slightly, I saw A tied onto a chair. But when I was about to charge in, my nemesis said something that caught my attention.

"As soon as your precious Kailee comes through that door she'll be no more and you can watch as she dies a painful death, then we'll hold you for ransom and if none come through well you'll die to." I start to shake from anger but decide to think logically, I creep away and into the old laundry room which now was some sort of hang out with a poker table and 2 guys. They hadn't noticed me so I quickly take out my knife and slit one's throat, the other fumbles for his gun but he was to slow and to drunk to see the knife being throw into his heart. I pulled out the knife and cleaned it a bit before walking to the air vent, I pull off the metal grate and push myself in....gosh it used to be easier when I was younger. I think to myself as I get in all the way and cover the hole back up with the grate, I start to crawl around and kill a few more guys until I find the right grate. I was across from A's view and all the others were staring at him, their backs to me....big mistake.

A make eye contact with me but looks away to not draw attention, I smile and start to pick off the men one by one. "WHAT ON EARTH?!" The leader cries, I quick kick the grate in and slide in holding the gun up the his throat.

"Surprise!" I say and he growls.

"Screw you Kailee!" I roll my eyes and move my fingers ever so slightly on the trigger.

"Say your please Jeff, for you day for judgment has come!" I say before shooting him in the throat.


Hello lovehearts been a while ain't it, well you're in luck I just wrote most of this so I'm sorry that it's bad. It is 10 to 10, and it was a fight scene which I'm not great at. Anyway tell me what you thought, 2 more chapters guys! Okay I was wondering on if I should do a sequel as well as Oivia's story, tell me what you'd like for the future please! :) Vote? Comment? Share? How nice ya feeling?! Love you my little lovehearts! xx <3 :D Katie :D

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