Sinking ship...I mean sub!

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Kailee's P.O.V.

I watch as A slowly wakes up, I reach to his hand and entwine our fingers together. He gives my hand a squeeze before letting his eyes open, he blinks a couple times then lets his eyes fall on me, I give him a smile which he returns. "How are you feeling?" I ask curiously, he sits up and I hand over the water. He smiles and takes a sip before placing it besides him on the table, then looking back at me.

"Not to bad, I remember everything....where are we now?" I smile and motion around.

"We are on a submarine!" I say happily just as the captain walks over to us.

"Ah I see you are awake Sir, welcome aboard. Kailee can I talk to you?" I nod my head and gently release A's hand before walking out of hearing range.

"What is it captain?" I ask curiously.

"This sub is not equipped to make it to your destination, however we will keep going until we can go on now more. Ah, it's okay we have another sub on standby. They will save us all." I nod my head and salute him. "This stays between us." He says before saluting.

"Sir, yes sir." I say before removing my hand after his and walking back to A, he raises an eyebrow but I shake my head with a small smile.

"What was all that about?" I wave my hand and then turn back to the captain.

"How long sir?" I ask to him.

"I'd say about 2....maybe 3 hours? Keep your eye on the time Kailee." He says before walking off, I sit besides A and he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"What, is going on?" I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Private matters, it's all sub talk. Everything's fine." I say reassuringly, glancing over at the time.

Half an hour later A was tired of me staring at the clock ever few minutes, he tried everything heck he even covered up the clock. Of course it didn't work, I just went over and ripped off the jacket. "Okay what's wrong?" I he asks exasperated.

"Nothing you need to worry about!" I say before walking away, I sigh and run a hand through my hair. I stay away from him and it's tough considering he was walking after me and we were only on a decent sized sub, luckily I was in an empty small room which had a lock. I had been in here long enough, the sub would give out eventually. I unlock the door and slip out the room, I head back towards the couch and gently face plant onto the soft seats.

I feel a presence and glance to my left to see A, I move my legs and he sits down with a sigh. I place my feet back in his lap and turn over, he runs a finger over my foot tracing patterns into it absentmindedly. "I'm sorry!" We both say at the same time, I smile and just as I open my mouth a loud blaring rings through the entire sub. I sigh and feel it quickly come to a stop.

"What the..." A mutters before the sub starts to sink, the captain comes over to me and nods. I smile ever so slightly before hopping up pulling A with me, I glance around and see everyone just standing there.

"Lets go!" The captain says before standing on the couch and twisting the hatch door. "Hold your breaths and swim!" He called before pushing it open, I take a gasp of air with everyone else just as the sub starts to flood the sub with water. There was no more air, so we all quickly swam out the hatch. We all headed towards the top, I made a stop motion before peeking out the water. I glare and slowly back down, I shake my head and motion for us to go another direction. We all quickly swim so we can have more air in our system, I push myself to the top and take a big breath of air. I hear a couple clicks of a gun, I groan out loud and almost slap A as he comes up for air hacking and choking. I gently hit his back then slide a gun into his boxers, He widens his eyes so I quickly hit him on the back.

"Out the water." One says, I'd know that voice anywhere!


Okay okay, don't kill me! I've been shopping for room stuff because I should be getting my room decorated soon! YAY! Okay my love-hearts I hope this was okay and I know it's really reallllly short and I know it has a cliffhanger..again! But it's so much fun, and it gives me time to think about what should happen next! Lol! Okay yeah, vote, comment and share if you want . Byeee! :D Katie :D

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