Day 3: Cannonballs, Rock Walls, and Icebreakers

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Day 3: Cannonballs, Rock Walls, and Icebreakers

"I don't really know what I expected from this camp food, but it's actually pretty good!" I said, scarfing down some bacon.

"I know! I thought it was gonna suck, for some reason!" Liza agreed.

"Good morning, Campers! Who's ready for another great challenge?" Dwayne asked from upfront. For some reason, Matty was blushing, her eyes trained on him. I couldn't help but wonder... Was Matty crushing on the head counselor?

"Well, actually we've got two joint challenges today. We want you all to get to know your cabinmates. So we will be having a quiz! Yes, that's right! You thought you were done with school? No way! You're takin' a test.

"Basically, each person will have to answer a series of questions about their cabinmates. The top two cabins from each gender will face off in a trust exercise obstacle course, and the victors from each gender will get two points, while the top four each get a point.

"Your cabin counselor will give you more information after breakfast. That is all. See you guys at the arts and crafts center at noon," Dwayne finished, leaving the stage.

Everyone immediately started chattering. "Guys, quick, everybody say their middle names!" Tori ordered us.

"Wait, no!" I said, before we could start. "Nobody will remember anything if we just say it. We have to come up with a way to remember it!"

"Oh, yeah! Like, we could play one of those icebreaker games," Beth agreed.

"Have you all played the one where you say your name and then you say something that you like that starts with the same letter as the first letter in your name? We could do that, but we could say a sentence about ourselves that starts with the first letter of our middle names!" Grace suggested.

"And then, the next person has to repeat it. I call not last!" Kiera added.

"Alright, we can start with Grace and go counterclockwise," Matty said.

And, of course, I was last. When it got to my turn, I took a deep breath and began. "Grace Tiana James. Tormenting my twin little brothers and taking photos are my favorite hobbies. Kiera Elizabeth Lee. Excellence in art is what I strive to achieve. Beth Winnefred Grey. Win, win, win no matter what, with the help of my pet turtle, Courtney. Tori Fiona Langston. Fierce, fresh, and fabulous are my three best qualities, and I have a sister named Mary. Um... Oh, right! Lily Serenity Wong. Since I have five dogs and strict parents, I play piano, flute and guitar. Liza Teresa Smith. Things I like include my three brothers who are in college, writing, and singing. Oh, and I'm May Jane Adams, and... Joking around is what I like to do when I ain't with my puppy, whose name is Goat, or watching netflix," I finished.

Cheers went up from our table. "Hella nice job, guys! I am impressed!" Matty congratulated us. I grinned because I was able to say it all.

At some point, we had all gone back to the cabin and by the end of our prep session I knew, it seemed, everything there was to know about my cabin mates.

At a quarter 'til noon, Matty told us what we'd have to do. "So, we need one representative, the one with the best memory. I personally think it should be May."

My cabin mates agreed. I grinned. I could totally handle this.

"Great! So May will have to go up there and answer random questions about the rest of you girls, who will have to write down the correct answers on a sheet of paper that will be given to you when we get there. Ready?"

We nodded at Matty, who beamed at us, told us to grab our bandanas and headed out towards the arts and crafts center. The entire way there, my friends gave me a pep talk.

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