Your Steve

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"Does any of this look familiar to you? Do you recognize any of the men in this group?"

Bucky stood in silence, his face inquisitive as he studied the Captain America display at the Smithsonian, trying to get his mind to release the hidden information from his past. "Only that one...Steve. But even he's just a really distant ghost of a memory. There's no substance to it; he doesn't mean anything to me."

You sighed, overcome by anguish at the thought that these two best friends may never come together again. "Don't push yourself. If it's going to come back, it will on it's own time. Maybe it's just waiting for the right trigger?"

"Yeah," he whispered, staring at the picture of his own face; a face he didn't recognize and one that wore a life that he was growing desperate to remember. "(Y/N), tell me something," he said, finally looking at you, "if I don't become the man that you used to know, what will you do?"

You were shocked at the question; you had never even considered any other option than staying with him. You had no idea that he didn't expect you to stay. In this form of Bucky, this brainwashed and blank version, you had still known him for so many years that you wouldn't even entertain the idea of leaving him to a world that knew him only as an assassin. He was skilled at camouflaging himself and hiding, but that was no life to live, and you vowed that you would protect him with your own.

"I'll stay at your side," you grabbed his arms and turned him towards you so that your eyes met, "there's nowhere else for me to be, Buck. There never has been and there never will be. That's how love works."

"You love me?" he whispered with a sad tone in his voice, his gaze now dropping to the ground. "Are you sure? Only if you're sure."

Only if you're sure.

The memory of the evening in the garage took over your mind, of the two of you taking shelter from the rain that soaked your clothes; so much so that you were having a sensory reaction. You swore you could feel the same warmth of his skin and caught the smell of rain. 'Only if you're sure,' he had said on that day too, looking at you with a passion in his eyes that you missed so much now; passion that was now replaced with sadness and confusion.

As tears streamed down your cheeks, you pulled him towards you, your bodies pressed firmly together and his arms enveloping you. You felt the desperation in his embrace, desperate for someone to accept and protect him in this rare time of weakness. "I've never been more sure, love. Even if you never remember the other life, we will figure out this new one."


The next day you had decided it was time to visit Steve, and to see with your own eyes that he was okay. You had to see that he was really there, and had to know if he would accept you or not after everything that had happened.

There were two armed guards outside of Steve's room, and one Falcon inside. You weren't sure if this new guy would recognize you from the battle on the freeway several days ago, but your mask had stayed intact and you relied on that shred of hope that you could be allowed to see your best friend; the best friend that you had thought dead during your darkest days with Hydra.

You didn't know if Steve would recognize you now, but the only way to know would be move forward toward the door and pass through. Face the fear of seeing him after all this time.

But your feet wouldn't move.

It's only Steve. He'll forgive you. He'd forgive you for anything. Move your feet, (Y/N).

You nodded your head and resolved that you were doing this not just for yourself, but for Bucky. You could do anything for him, and this would be the first step in proving that.

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