Chapter 1

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Her outfit (creds to me) lol

Her outfit (creds to me) lol

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Milliani's POV**

I walked up the huge house my parents dropped me off at before waving good bye. The had dropped me off at my uncles house to go on a vacation with out me while I'm in school, Again. Though I've never met my uncle, but the looks of it he looks like a really rich guy. My dad says I'll really like him. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later my uncle opened the door. He looked quite similar to my dad but had dark brown hair. He didn't like sophisticated at all. I imagined him in a tux or something but he was in ripped jeans and a Grey T-shirt.

"Hi you must be Milliani you dad told me so much about you!"

"I wish I could say the same but if never heard of you until a week ago. I mean I new my dad had a brother but he didn't tell me anything about you."

"Well shame on Nicholas! Well I don't want you standing out here any longer it's getting chilly come inside, here hand me a couple of your suit cases.

I walked into the house looking around seeing a bunch of high tech equipment I've never seen before. We set my large 4-5 suit cases down.

"Wow nice house."

"Thank you it cost millions of dollars, so don't break anything." He half heartedly laughed.

"Did you make all of these?" I asked leaving my suit case and walking over to one of the gadgets that was sitting on the counter.

"Yes don't touch that! That's dangerous it's a Electric phaser!"

"Why do you have such dangerous weapons in your house?"

"Why do you need to touch say dangerous weapons in my house?"


"You better get started getting your room together, school starts in a couple of days."

"Yeah, where is it?"

"Well go down that hall way and when you see the bathroom, game room, and movie theatre turn right it's the first door on the right."

"Okay Thanks."

I grabbed some of my suit cases and walked over to the hall way I was directed to. After the bathroom I got really confused on where I was going so I started opening all the doors until I found one that was either empty or pink. I sighed giving up after the 13th door.

"This place is huge!" I whined, never thought I would say that.

I leaned back onto the walk and it lit up once. I jumped getting startled.

"Wha-" I touched it with my fingers and on the wall to my right an elevator with a weird symbol on it appeared.

"Wha-" I touched it with my fingers and on the wall to my right an elevator with a weird symbol on it appeared

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