4. Who Is She?

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Heyo! So this chapter is going to be interesting. Let's just say Chloe is annoying, but all you adrienette fans better be reading :)

So I saw something online about who would find out first on the show. I honestly hope and think it'll be Adrien. If Marinette found out first, she'd be scared and it might jeopardize her and Chat's relationship. And I honestly think Mari will get akumatized, and Chat will find out that way. And to free her, he kisses her! Or it'll be Adrien, and Mari finds out and that's what frees him.

Idk! That's just what I think. Well, Read on!


It had only been a day, and I already saw posters wondering who I was. Obviously from Miraculous. I also saw a couple of posters of Cat Noir and of Cat Noir and me.

I was at home and it was 9 when Alya texted me.

Alya: Hey girl! It's Alya!

Mari: Hey Alya. How was the club last night?

Alya: It was amazing! A new girl came to the club named Ladybug! She killed Cat Noir. Some people already put up posters wondering who she was!

Mari: Hey! She was from New York. She just left her old group. Look up some videos on youtube about her!

Alya: Will do! I decided even to write my blog about her. I mean, she literally came out of no where. It's called the Ladyblog. I wrote it as Ladywifi though just in case Mr. Agreste ever found it. Go check it out!

Mari: I will! Are you still up for sight seeing?

Alya: Of course! I'll be there around 11. So we can get lunch and then head out from there.

Mari: KK. I'll see you then! XD

Alya: Bye girl!

I went to my computer and looked up the Ladyblog. It was really cool. At the top of the page was a picture of me in my finishing pose. I scrolled down and found a video of my battle against Chat. I smiled at the way we danced.

There was a little post written at the bottom of the page.

Hello fans! I'm Ladywifi! I've decided to dedicate this blog to the amazing Ladybug. She just joined Club Miraculous last night. No one has ever seen her before here in Paris, and she beat the champ, Cat Noir, her first try. He was even amazed with her skill.

So my goal is to find out more about Ladybug, and maybe even find out her and Cat Noir's identity.

Well that's all for right now! If you have any info on Ladyblog, leave it down in the comments :)


There was a more recent post written with a video link.

Hey fans! I was just told that Ladybug wasn't always from Paris. She actually lived in New York City. She also wasn't always a lone wolf. She had an old group called The Powers. It was of her, Volphina (a fox), Peacock, Turtle, and Buzz (a bee). They're last performance was at Madison Square Garden! Can you believe that? I don't know why Ladybug decided to come here, but I'm glad she did. She's a legend and an inspiration for all dancers.

Volphina said to a NYC reporter, "Ladybug and I are best friends. We've danced together since we were little. It was only in 8th grade when we decided to form this group. Now here we are, two years later, almost ready to be sophomores. Unfortunately, Ladybug will not be continuing with this group. She'll be leaving NYC, and before you ask, no she will not reveal herself. Honestly, we are the least likeliest people you would guess. Underneath the painted mask are just a couple of teenagers having fun dancing. We're going to miss Ladybug, and wish her luck wherever she goes. Although, ladybugs are very lucky so I don't think she'll need it."

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