Chapter 5

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A.N. { Guys, seriously, vote. 5 votes for chapter 6!}

Fairyana's POV

"Where the hell have you two been!" An angry Hailey screamed.

"Listen, Hailey, we were at the Stacey's downtown thinking that's where you would be, not at this one," I said, trying to fill the white lie.

"Niall?" Hailey said, ignoring me. Niall didn't make eye contact, he's a horrible liar. I pinched the back of his dangling arm, bringing him back to reality.

"What? Oh, yes, we're sorry. We were confused as to where you were."

Hailey squinted her eyes at us, unconvinced. I swallowed hard, along with Niall. She walked away, is following her into backseat. We all sat down as the engine revved. I saw Niall attempt to grip Hailey's free hand.
"Not now."
He nodded. Looking like a lost puppy, gazing out the window. The silence was quite awkward. I heard my phone buzz. The contact name "Neil" came up, making me laugh at his contact name.

What am I supposed to do about her? Why is she so mad...

—She has the right to be.

—Yeah I guess.. Why did I let you drag me into this?


—Yes you!

—I didn't do shit Nigel

We were both interrupted from staring impatiently at our phones when Hailey spoke up.

"Who's that?"

"Who?" Niall answered, too quickly to be casual.

"Who's blowing up your ph-"

"Nobody," He said while shoving his phone into the glove compartment and glaring at me in the rearview mirror.

"You're acting so suspicious," She said, "Why are you acting like this?" The light turned red and we slowed.

"We aren't."

"We? I said you."

A.N. { Sorry this is so short! Just a filler! I'm trying to be active but it's busy over here in my life aha }

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