5. A misunderstanding, a song, and the sadness that comes

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Robert's P.O.V.

The sun was setting and still no signs of him. I sat down on the couch, impatient. He was going to hear me out. After he tells me so much that we can't be joking around and playing with an issue so important, he's the one doing that.

My dad hasn't come home from work, and it was a good thing, because I needed to talk to Ethan alone for now. 

I had been taking Alexis to the field where we trained as werewolves. It was a field located in back of my house, like around five minutes if you knew where to look. But I had purposely taken a long way so Alexis couldn’t track the path later on if she wanted to find it.  We were close to the field when I heard voices. Ethan and Liz were already in the field.  I didn’t mind, I could take Alexis somewhere else, or maybe even joined them. But what bothered me was that Ethan was telling her that he was a wolf. A werewolf to be exact. Well, he's not supposed to be telling anyone. Doesn’t he understand that. He was the one telling me to shut my mouth and learn to keep it a secret when I almost told one of my ex because of her obsession with Twilight and the werewolf. Pretty dumb in my case, but I really had liked her, and I wanted to make her happy, you know.

I sighed. Well I guess this could kind of relate to it too. But Ethan has always been the careful one. Even though he seems like he is the one to spill everything out, he's not. I guess he must like Liz a lot. But then, what about Hayley? Didn't he tell me he liked her?

I shrug to myself. No one could really understand Ethan. One moment he likes this one girl, the other he likes another. Im surprise he didn’t find any interest in Alexis since she's a girl too. But the point is, he just shouldn’t be playing with their feelings. Maybe one of these girls did like him and he was just playing with them.

The sun disappeared completely.  I decided to let it pass  for now. But if I ever found out he was playing with them, he was going to hear me. It was bad enough that he was revealing our secret, but it was worse playing with a girl's feelings.


Liz's P.O.V.

Something was buzzing next to me. I frowned, I didn’t have school yet, why did I put an alarm this early. I didn’t even put an alarm. I groan and turned to my side, my arm finding something hard on the way. I didn’t take notice of this for a while, probably I just left my guitar on the bed before falling asleep. But as time passed, and as the buzzing stopped and resumed again, I realized that what ever the thing my arm was over, was going smoothly up and down, as if it were breathing.

As my senses came through, I notice that there was a breeze coming in. Did I leave my window open?

Something warm touch my hand and that’s when I remembered who I was with.

I opened my eyes and found myself lying next to Ethan, in fact very close to him. My head was almost resting on his chest and he had his hand on top of mine.

I quickly yanked it away and sat up, scrambling a little farther from him.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. I ran my fingers through my hair, realizing I still had the crown of flowers. I took it off.

He sat up, giving me a smile. "It's okay. You seemed to be enjoying it."

I felt my cheeks hot. "Eh, sorry, I just… how long did I sleep?" I asked him as I saw the sky. It was pretty dark already.

"An hour or two." He shrugged.

 Then I heard that buzzing sound again, which turned out to be my phone. I reached for it and saw that it was  my parents.

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