chapter 53

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tre pov

I haven't seen passion in weeks her ass disappeared but like the keen thug I am I tracked her ass down. she off with some nigga that she wanted to pass of as her cousin I know for sure I don't look at my cousin ass like that. so I left her ass the last couple of days have mellowed me out. after  coming back today and seeing kree I think I might still have feelings for her. they way she grew up and how she take care of Khalil. they way she smiles and they way she's still shy around me. I don't know it makes me want her but I cant have her.

"whatcha think about " Mario said as he came sit next to me

"man you cant tell nobody " I said looking him in the eye. one perk about having hazelish grey eyes is that when people look in them the become submissive.

"you don't have o use the eyes just tell me" he laughed and I did to.

"ight so I think I might like kree again" I said and this nigga just laughed

"you think huh" he said

"what you mean' I asked

'leys not play dumb here Tre passion and kree could be sisters they act just alike and they kinda look alike we all knew that's why you were attrached to her its cool the question is are you just saying this or will you actually act on it'

"my nephew wants to marry her" I said

"lil ty that nigga aint gonna marry her he just playing house with her second I see him all around with other girls." Mario said

"well why is he asking her" I asked

"i don't know that's your nephew why don't you tell her how you feel I know she still loves you" he said

"why do you say that" I asked

"nigga if someone loves you those feelings don't just go away ever deep in your heart you will always have feelings for her and she will always have feelings for you I think you should look pass the fact that Khalil isn't yours" he said

"i don't know how to" I said

"learn to if you love kree you love Khalil casue that's a part of kree"he said

I nodded.

"let's head in the house I miss my lil g" he said and I laughed I had him until Kyree came and stole him out my hands. I was having a good lil moment made me want a son.

"who the hell is she" I heard as we walked in to see kree holding a butcher knife and ty running away well trying to

"i don't know I promise"

"so she shows up to my house with pregnant and looking for you and you don't know who she is" she asked

"i promise I don't know her bitches always claim to be pregnant by me I'm pretty sure the guys understand "he said

"ty so help me if you don't tell me the truth I will throw this knife"kree said through gritted teeth

"vanessa" he said and she threw the knife and it hit him in the hand.

"fuck kree what the hell"

"you gonna lie to me then think its gonna be cool. got to hell ty I'm done with you" she said walking up the stairs.

"what the hell did we walk into" Mario asked

"yall should've came in here earlier" kj said coming and laughing

"what happened" I asked

"well this lil chick came in here saying she was pregnant with ty baby over there had the DNA test and everything and then he kep denying it next thing you know kree chasing his ass with a knife"kj said still laughing

"that is your lil sister but let me get him to the hospital"i said helping ty up.

"yeah you better get him out the face before toriana come over and see this cause then he gonna have one in the other hand and diamond gonna put on in his foot" kj said

"come on" I said to ty

"shit this heart" he said

we got in my car

"don't get blood on the seat youngin"i said calmly

"ight" he said

"don't pull the knife either" I said

"guess I'm single" he sighed

"why was you fucking arounf behind her back" I asked

" I don't know kree was different and I wanted her but I couldn't settle on playing house" he said

"why didn't you tell her that she would understand and yall could be friends" I asked

"cause then I wouldn't be able to kiss her and stuff" he said

"yall ever had sex" I asked

"no she was to scared to so we never went that far" he said we got to the hospital and they took him to the emergency room.

"Tre what happened" aja said coming in

"he cheated on kree and she found out he got a girl pregnant so she threw a knife and it went through his hand" I said

"that's what he gets he lucky she aint throw it harder"

"that's crazy" ray said

"he shouldn't have cheated on her" his moma said she sighed

"what do you think she gonna do" ray asked

"oh they broke up after that" I said

"really what about Khalil" aja asked

"I'm pretty sure she gonna be a single mother and let all the guys be like father figures"i said

"shaking me head"ray said

"what' I asked

"i raised a fuck up go back Tre will wait til they stich him"ray said I dapped him up and gave aja a hug leaving as they started to argue about ty. shaking my head I walked out to see the one and only passion sitting on my hood

"excuse me ma'am but that's my car I need you thotty ass to get off it'i said

"can we atleast talk please I miss you tre" she said

"nah you missed the money I would just blow" I said

"it wasn't about money I loved you" she said

"i don't love you passion go fuck with somebody else I don't have time for this I have to get back to Kree's" I said

"why you gotta go back there" she asked

"its good Friday find you a family that doesn't know me to spend it with and get out my face" I said

"or I can tell everything I know about you" she said with an evil smirk

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