chapter 42

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tre pov

when ty asked that the room got quiet.

"he-" my mother started but ty looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"i was talking to the man that did this"he said turning to my father

"don't talk to my wife like that" my father said with a serious voice

"answer the question and I wouldn't have to fade" ray said

"don't call me that I don't go by that name anymore" he said looking down

" your father was following the wrong path he had started to fall into the same path that the rest of this family took I asked him to either leave your mother and finish college like Tre did or leave "he said

I looked at my father with a little less respect then I did when I walked in this room

"you want me to give you respect when you cant even tell the truth to my  son who doesn't even know you" ray said with a calm voice

"ray what happened" my mother asked

"i came home and you were gone and I explained to daddy how raja had gotten pregnant and I didn't know what to do and you gave me the worst ultiamauim even thou I was 15 you said I could leave raja after she got an abortion and then I could finish school or I could watch my child be cut out of his mother and cut to piece and watch my wife be skinned alive and tortured what choice did I have but to run I'm sorry tre that I left you I really am but as a father you have to always think mother and child first you would be fine" ray said looking at me

"ray....ray look at me baby I didn't know this was happening I was told you were dead and I was depressed for years" she said

"why did you look for me if you we're so depressed why didn't you look for me"

"the police came and said you were gun down and your father went to identify the body ray I couldn't go to see the body of my gunned down child my first son that I failed to raise  apporiately   because I couldn't protect him the way a mother should I couldn't keep him away from the life he hid from me" she cried and it surprised me when ty got up and walked to her and held her as she cried on his shirt causing all the boys to get up and walk over with him

it was real quiet

"look I know I'm not apart of this family but ty is my bro and mr.ray is like a father to me so if I could have them as a family even if  we not blood why cant yall get along I'm not saying forgive fade but yall should all get along atleast to help ty out he having a kid and yall being separated isn't helping him focus" jay said

"your having a baby" my father asked

"yes and I wouldnt change it blood or not I love his mother and he's apart of her and so I love him to" ty said and I looked at him real hard after he said that.

I loved kree like that but I still left her but was his love stronger then mine.

"well maybe we could meet her" my mother said

"she's coming pick me up later on to go hang" ty said

"that's nice" my mother said as she rubbed ty's head

"so let me ask this ray do you approve" my father said

"ty is 17 almost 18 in biblical times he would probably have more kids if he loves kree and sees himself being with her then I approve I cant judge him based on his decisions as a grown man " ray said and ty looked up at his father with so much admiration.

" what do you mean blood or not" my mother asked

"see she was raped when she was kidnapped and but I don't care about that she didn't ask to be raped or get kidnapped she didn't ask for any of this but I am I want to be with her but I want her to let her guard down and trust me" he said

"what her name"

"he's talking about kree" I said and they all looked at me

"kree howard" my father asked with a raised eyebrow

"yes kree "

"that poor girl tre why didnt you tell us she got pregnant who would rape such a innocent girl" my mother said

"I'm pretty sure you should talk to kree when she's ready but I have to go ill be back at the hotel we're going chill at the beach" ty said and they all got up

"later pop" he said walking out throwing the duces

"well there's no need for me to be here" ray said walking out the house.

my mother sighed


"don't jaz me"she said jerking away from my father

"babe I'm sorry I really am"

"there is no sorry that could ever make me forgive you do you know how it feels to cry yourself to sleep, to feel like a failure for 15 years of your life huh do you know how it feels to loose a child only to find out that your husband the man you loved lied to you this is all built on lies" she yelled at him

"no its not look at the household if ray didn't leave you wouldn't have had didi and Dejah" he said

"you wouldn't know micheal you really wouldn't because you left our son to the streets but at least he learned to be a man with out you" she said and walked away from the table grabbing her keys


"where we going " Dejah said walking into the living room

"out come on or your getting left" she said and they went to the car.

"jaz where you going" my dad asked

"away from you fade I cant stand you to the fact I hate you come on Tre" she said

"yes ma'am" I said

I only went with my mother because she had my sisters and I didn't want her to get hurt or them

"ill drive yall can chill at my house til your ready to go home" I said and she nodded as we went home

I sighed today I was suppose to be chilling with ty not comforting my crying mother ill text kree later and ask for his number.

he wasn't bad its just I would find myself getting jealous at the relationship he had with kree she wouldn't do those things for me like come pick me and the bros up

but pash would and I loved her for that

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