Enough is Enough

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Okay, its one thing to have a collage type of design for the purpose of creating moods, being creative with negative space/positive space and overall message you're portraying, but when I see almost every single designer on here just cramming the most random shiz together it's so excruciating!! I swear its like a disease. Better yet, it's the Comic Sans of this website!!


If you have a book and it's genre is something dark or serious like vampire/werewolf/non-fiction/mystery etc, WHY ARE YOU GIVING IT A COMPLETELY USELESS AND INEFFECTIVE DESIGN???

Seriously, don't be putting soft, cutsey photos and a hella lot of textures and stupid clipart/vectors on these types of books. In fact, DON'T DO IT AT ALL.

I know most designers on here are just doing this for fun but FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING STOP BEING LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.


Here's a mini tip: If you're going to be trendy, do it the right way. Trends in Graphic Design change pretty quickly in the design world, but that doesnt mean you have to do exactly what everyone else is doing. If you took 30 designers and lined up all they graphics, you wouldn't see a single variation in design choices and style.


like if you at least want to be a good book designer on this website and do a lot of good work, stop doing what everyone else is doing.

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