Werewolf Spells

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Here are some Werewolf spells! (NOTE I WONT TRY THESE AND THEY ARE NOT MINE!!!!)

Spell 1.

You will need the following items for this spell:


this is a spell to make you a werewolf.

just chant these words while your eyes are closed:

spell spell cast away make me a werewolf i beg of you please please make me a werewolf.

then once you did the spell bark three times like a dog.

Spell 2.

You will need the following items for this spell:

outside. daylight. nothing.

this spell makes you turn into a werewolf everynight when your in the moonlight.

First thing it has to be daylight and you have to be outside when yo udo this spell and you have to say it three times.

"Werewolves of the full moon I wish to be a werewolf. I wish to be a werewolf with (fur color) fur. I wish to be able to to turn into a werewolf every night when I'm in the moonlight. ANd shall not turn back to normal until 1 hour after the transformation. So Mote It Be."

Say that three times and it has to be daylight and you have to be outside. And then that night when your in derect veiw of the moonlight your turn into a werewolf and this spell has no side effects.

Good Luck.

Spell 3.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

Nightime, On a full moon.

Become a Werewolf like ones off the Vampire Diaries.

Say this 2 times on a full moon.

Spirits of the moon, I wish to be both man and wolf. I will turn every full moon. I will search for Vampires and kill them. This is my will so mote it be!

Spell 4.

You will need the following items for this spell:

mirror mind night time 3 weeks at twilight stare into a mirror for some time (it has to be long) and think about little detales in your body not about a wolf or this will not work!!! then after 5 day of doing that (not 3 days like sit and stare for 3 days stright. (at twiligh) )then think about what u would look like as a wolf and do that i think in 2 weeks and 2 days you will a werewolf!!!!

Spell 5.

You will need the following items for this spell:


Coloring Tools


Belief in Magic

This spell makes you become a werewolf. I am sure it works. This will work 99.9% because nothing can be 100%.

Read the following before doing anything:

1. Draw yourself on a piece of paper in human form. Make sure that there is enough room to draw yourself in wolf form. Note: You have to have the paper horizontal.

2. Color yourself in human and wolf form.

3. Fold the paper hamburger style so that you can't see the drawing.

4. Write down your name, ethnicity, and colors of you in wolf form (eyes, fur, etc.).

5. Fold the paper again hamburger style.

6. Write and say this at the same time: By the light of the moon and our piercing howls, we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with land. So mote it be!

(so mote it be should be written as big as you can write it)

7. Fold the paper again hamburger style.

8. Draw a Pentagram.

9. Fold the paper once more.

Now every night, for 3 nights, chant:
1x: Gods and Goddesses, make me a werewolf on this plane from pain and transformation.

10x: By the light of the moon and our piercing howls, we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life to the evolution of man, I shall be reawakened as one with land. So mote it be!

Side Effects:

Uncontrollable anger
Stomach aches
Tooth aches
Blurry vision
Hungry right after eating
Urge to howl or shout (being loud)
Changing Eyecolor?
Sharper teeth
Better sense of smell
Head aches
Bone aches
Back Pains
Throwing up?

Spell 6.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

1 forest 

1 tree stump 

1 copper knife 

2 legs (for your own walking) 

1 voice (your own for chanting 

i night (pick any moon you would like) 


you need to stab the tree stump with the copper knife leave it there then walk around the stump chanting this spell (as many time as you would like)
: on the sea, on the ocean, on the island, on bujan
on the empty pasture gleams the moon, on an ashtock lying
in a green wood, in a gloomy vale. toward the stock wondereth 
a shaggy wolf. horned cattle seeking for his sharp white fangs,
but the wolf enters not the forest, but the wolf dives not into
the shadowy vale, moon moon gold horned moon, check the flight 
of bullets blunt hunters knives, break the Shepards cudgels, 
cast wild fear upon all cattle, on men all creeping things,
that they may not catch the grey wolf, that they may not rend
his warm skin! my word is binding, more binding than sleep,
more binding than the promise of a hero

after you recite the spell jump over the tree stump 3 times a few miutes or instantly after you do the 3rd jump you should transform
no side effects good luck with this spell and bless it be

Spell 7.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

full moon 

white candle

from the candle make a ball and put it in the full moon's light and say by the full moon's light "make me a werewolf so mote it be" x5 (or more).

Spell 8.

You will need the following items for this spell:

In the day


"Spirits of the moon I ask you to turn me into a werewolf. I will be able to turn into a wolf anytime of the day with harm to none so more it be."

Spell 9.

You will need the following items for this spell:

A candle

Something To Break

Night Time


Makes you a vampire and werewolf.

This is a really simple spell that may work
so all you have to do is light a candle make sure
it's night time over midnight and before 3am
and get a stick or something to break a iced spaghetti
or whatever. So now go near a mirror put the candle on
a thing where the mirror can reflect the candle and you can
chant this spell just by watching the reflected candle in
the mirror. Spell :

Spirits undead
please listen my request
I'm really sad
in this life all days are the same
everyone in my daily time doesn't understand
that my life is not their game
so I ask if you make me a vampire and werewolf
a powerful hybrit
give me special fangs
when blood I feed, they grow of a vampire
when I howl, of a werewolf
Please make me who I ask to be
after a week I will shift into how I wish
sun light will hurt me but never burn me
Silver will hurt me but never kill me
mote it be !

Say it x11

Spell 10.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

Pink Flower 



Filtered water 


Strand of your hair

I got this idea from the spell, ''Ugly Werewolf Spell: For You and Others.'' But, this spell is the opposite.

First, get the pink flower, lilacs, a strand of your hair, and basil, if you used basil. Next, put them in the water and wait 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, take out the flowers, basil(if used), and your hair and put it on yourself as if it was lotion. Then, every day, for 2 days for 2 minutes, think of calming thoughts and meditate and be calm. Then, eat/drink 1 healthy food every day for a week. After the week passes,say on the final day, "I want to be so beautiful, it will be a miracle. I want the guys to look at me and say, hey, look at her! I want to go out with her! NO! SHE'S MINE!"

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