Chapter - 13

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Hi guys how r u alllĺllĺll

-------few days later-------

--------Night time-------

--------narutos pov-------

*ding dong *

"Who could it be at this time"

I walked towards the door and opened it to see it was sasuke

"Delivery" he said

I looked at him confused

"I did not make any purchase" I said

He looked at me and pointed to the top of the box

"It says your name here" he said

"Ah but I did not make any purchase" I said again

He though for a while and I remebered other recipts

I got them and showed it to sasuke

"I kept getting these even thought I did not make any purchase it says I have to recieve my unclaimed parcel"

He took them and looked them throughly

"All right I will got to the office and see what the problem is but you will have to come with me" he said

I sighed

'What trouble' i thought

"Sure" I said

I locked my door and walked with him to the elevator

We talked a bit when his phone rang

"Excuse me" he said and walked away

I held the elevator for him he came back in and we were going down

---------sasuke's pov---------

"Excuse me" i said and walked away from him

When he walked into the elevator I peeled the paper and stuck it at the side

I walked in and we stood in silence I kept on looking at naruto he looks so pretty

When the elevator was in the middle
(Between two floors)

I stopped the elevator

I could see naruto jolt like he was hit with lightening he looked around

Naruto started to panicked

"What why did it stop" he screamed

"Its alright calm down" I said

"I was the one who stopped the elevator "

He looked at me and said

"Why would you"

I answered

"Well I wanted to talk to you but your girlfriend was their yestarday and I wants it to be just us"

"UWA ..(bang).. it hurts what are you doing" he said struggling

I pushed him roughly back so he was against the wall

"Wa.." He was about to say

But I cut him to it

I pulled my belt and tied his hand behind him

I kissed him and he tried to pull away

"Naruto" I said

"I'm quite strong so if you resist then I might end up hurting you"

I could see him shiver and his eyes teared up

"So behave" I said

As I pulled my pant down and removed naruto's pant

I licked his ear he was crying by now

I stretched him and with no preparation I entered him

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I stretched him and with no preparation I entered him

"AHHHHHH" he cried

But I did not go easy on him

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