Chapter - 1

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So guys this is my new story so I'm planning to make a one shot but I'm not sure let's see how it goes it if I will be able to write so much in one day let's see

"Hnnnnnn" I stretched and sighed in bliss as all the stress released from my body

I looks at my desk and started to pack everthing up

I placed all the files and important things in my bag

Yup ladies I still use this bag come on its so spacious and it's so pretty I tried to use the office bag but it was so small and I think I lost it

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Yup ladies I still use this bag come on its so spacious and it's so pretty I tried to use the office bag but it was so small and I think I lost it

I shrugged and continued

I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned to see it was sakura my co-worker

"Oh my sakura-Chan what's up" I said as I pulled my jacket and wore it

She smiled and said

"Well we all were planning to go drinking wanna join"

I froze and processes what she said


I turned smiling and scratched my head

"I'm sorry sakura-Chan I can't today" I said sheepishly

She looked at me like I was a criminal

"Why not" she said strongly

"Well you see I'm moving so I can't" I said

'Well it's not a complete lie'

She sighed and shook her head

"Well ok then next time for sure good work and good luck" she said as she walked away

I shouted back "good work to you too"

She turned and smiled and walked off

I took my bag and was out of the office wishing ever one good work

You all must be wondering why not just go drinking to relax and stuff

Well the thing with alcohol is I don't like the taste it taste so bad and I don't like the smell so I never go drinking

You could say I was tramatized when I was a kid my dad gave me a little and it was disgusting and since then I have never owned not touched alcohol

The streets were crowded but I paid it no mind

I whistled and skipped to my apartment

It was a shabby apartment I lived here for about 4 to 5 years and now I'm moving

I walked in and place all my belongings on the table and went to take a quick shower after finishing up I walked out and started to pack

Two more boxes and it would be done

I stuffed all my things neatly and packed

I looked around one last time if I have missed a thing when I saw the apartment was empty I smiled

I placed all the boxes near the door I walked towards the fridge and pulled out a can of milk and drank from it I love my milk cold

I walked to my huge window that was the only good thing about this apartment

I sat on the frame and looked out at the city which was busy with life I smiled thinking all the things that bought me to where I am now

I chuckled and heard a beep I turned to see it was my clock it was beeping showing the time 9:00

I got up and closed it I walked to my bed and layed down

I know most people would think it's too early but for me it's perfect time to sleep so I can get my complete sleep and be fresh the next morning

As my head hit the pillow I was out cold no one nor any thing can wake me up now

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