The Beginning

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Young Megatronus POV

I walk out of my berth room and into the hallway. The hallway was empty and a few framed pictures of me and Orion hang on the walls of the hallway. Its early and I'm pretty tired I rub my optics and they edjust. I follow the hallway. Sliding my digits on the wall wile I walked. I reach the end of the hallway in a matter of seconds. The hallway opened opened to a living room were a couch with a holovision sat. I turn my helm and a two step stair leads up to the kitchen. The kitchen was big and it had a kitchen island and a couple other appliances. Besides the kitchen was a table. Behind the table was a wall witch had sliding glass doors witch open automatically into the backyard. I turn around and a door to the front stood.

"Hey Megs!" I heard a voice greet. I turn and see my brother Orion in the hallway. I smile and wave "hi!" I greeted. Orion walked past me and looked into the kitchen. His slight smile faded."did you see Carrier or Sire come back last night?" Orion asked.

The night before. both our parental units left us to take care of our younger sister RayBlade. They said they would be back late... but I'm pretty sure not THIS late.

I look at Orion and he looked at me. "No I didn't I think they're st-" I was interrupted by a sudden light tug at my digit. I look down and so does Orion. And our optics meet with a small femmes. She tilts her helm "wered dire?" (Where's sire) she asked us. I couldn't help but smile. Her armour looked nothing like mine and Orion. But that's mostly cuz me and Orion are from different Carriers. Her armour was a white-ish blue color. It was mostly smooth. But that's just cuz she's still a sparkling. Her armour will get more sparkie and intimating the older she gets. The armour on her lower legs and lower arms were black. Her helmet had two black stripes.

"We do not know, RayBlade" Orion answered. She slowly looked down. She was a sires femme. She let out a couple sniffles. I looked at Orion and glared at him. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF THE PITS!!!" I yelled at Orion. Orion quickly looked at me and glared. "What was I suposed to tell her! "Oh sires in bed HEY why don't we go and see him!"" Orion snapped back. I bite my lip plating. Trying to think of a good come but my processor went blank. I let out a loud and aggressive sigh. Orion smirked and I glared at him. "I hoogiry" (I'm hungery) RayBlade said looking up at me and Orion. I lightly push Orion. "You go make her some Low Grade!" I ordered. Orion glared at me then sighed. He then walked into the kitchen and pulled up a chair so he could reatch the counter.

I look down at RayBlade and she's sucking her digit. I quite pick her up and place her on my hip plating. She looked at me and smiled with her digit still in her intake. I smiled back then walked over to the couch. I set her down on the couch and I sit down next to her. I turn on the holovision and I change the channel to some sparkling show. I watch it for a second before I hear a knocking at the door. "Orion get the door!!" I yelled at Orion. "I'm making Low Grade you get the door!!!" Orion yelled back. I groan he had a point making Low Grade was hard. I got up off the couch I get to the door and it opens. I see a familiar face- or should I say mask. SoundWavr stood at the he waved. "Hey Soundie!!"

Sorry for the short beginning Chapter but if your enjoying this and want to see more Comment and Vote and I'll know you would like more

Love you all thank you!

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