Chapter 5

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“Exactly how do you expect to talk your parents into going to the festival? You’re supposed to be setting up wards and spells for the coming year.” Orla’s questions were coming so fast, Brea almost couldn’t understand her. Glancing back to make sure no one was near, Brea shed her human glamour, causing Orla to tumble off her shoulder. Orla landed on both feet, wings extended and arms crossed. She glared at Brea.

“That wasn’t very nice.”

“You’re right, it wasn’t, but you’re being a spoil sport. This is the first time I’ve been invited to anything. It’s almost like a date.”

Orla threw her arms into the air, obviously exasperated with her best friend. “A date! Faerie folk don’t date. Then there’s the fact that he’s human! Human!” She waved her hand in front Brea’s face to get her attention. “I really think you’ve taken the whole pretending thing way too far.” She dropped her voice, glancing around. “What if he kisses you,” she hissed.

Brea froze. That had never crossed her mind. He’s just a friend. He wouldn’t do that…would he? It was not common knowledge, but for a leprechaun to kiss a human or vice versa was forbidden. The leprechaun would lose all magic and instantly become human. It had never happened in Brea’s lifetime…of course most leprechauns never got close enough to humans for there to even be a chance. It had been more an issue millennia ago when humans believed and walked among the faerie. Still, I would never let that happen. Not that I haven’t thought about it, but I’m not stupid, and Orla knows that.

Brea’s eyes narrowed. Orla never reacted like this. She was always the composed one, certainly not prone to hysterical worries. Brea felt a nagging suspicion in her stomach but couldn’t put it into words.

“Calm down. I’m more than aware of the fact that he’s human, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have always wanted to go to the Beltane festival. I think Mam said something about Trevor Bradigan taking over Mr. B’s judging, since Mr. B hasn’t got his strength back. I wonder…” Brea’s eyes glazed over, and she began to drift down the path toward home. Orla looked worried.

“Wonder what?” When she didn’t get an answer, Orla flew in front of Brea, who nearly walked right into her. “What are you up to?”

“I was just thinking that someone should keep an eye on Trevor. After all, he is new to the area, and all sorts of people and creatures come out for Beltane. It might be in the best interest of the family if someone kept watch.”

Orla looked incredulous. “Is that what you’re going to sell your parents? They’re never going to buy it. They’ll see right through you.”

Brea seemed to snap out of her reverie and eyed Orla suspiciously. “Why are you being so difficult about this? You’ve never had a problem with me doing human things before.”

“Well, you’ve never gotten this close to a human outside of the Bradigans before.”

Something dawned on Brea. “Are you sure that’s all this is? You’re not jealous are you?”

Orla blushed and sputtered, “Me, jealous? Of course not! What would I be jealous of?”

“I don’t know.” It was Brea’s turn to blush. “Maybe that I have another best friend, one you can’t really spend time with, well visible time at least.”

She thought she saw a flash of relief on Orla’s face as she laughed. “No, I’m not worried about that. We’ve been friends too long for me to worry about being replaced.”

A returning smile crossed Brea’s face. “Yeah, I couldn’t replace you. You know too much. If I ever really made you mad and you ratted me out, I’d be grounded for the next two hundred years!” They laughed so hard they had to sit down to catch their breath.

Army of Sorrow (Donegal Sidhe #1)Where stories live. Discover now