The Next Morning.

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Amanda woke up to birds chirping the next morning. She was disoriented and confused at why she wasn't in her bed. That's when she realized the heartbeat under her head and looked around at the ever so familiar living room of Finn Whitman. It took mere seconds more for her to realize the steady heartbeat she felt belonged to Finn as well.
A sweet smile spread across the girls face when she realized that in their sleep he had wrapped both arms around her, and her head had moved to the center of his chest.
Then she was snapped to reality. Reality that she couldn't stay here, in his warm, loving arms forever. That it was probably noon and Jess would be worried sick. The smile slipped. Amanda, not knowing what else to do, reached up a hand and poked Finn's face, trying to wake him up without being too harsh.
When Finn finally awoke he looked down at the girl in arms and smiled, although the confusion in his expression was evident. He was just disoriented as Amanda was when she awoke. Trying to figure out why he was in his living room. Why Amanda was there.
A moment later realization hit him as he remembered the events to the night prior.
"I need to text Jess, she's probably worried sick. She doesn't know I stayed here overnight..."
"Yeah, sorry..."
Amanda reached for her phone and say the message notifications. She had several texts for Jess. It was 11:45, close enough to noon, she thought to herself.
Then she read the messages
Hey what time are you coming home?
Where are you?
It's getting late where are you?
Um are still with Finn?
More messages saying roughly the same thing. She hit the speed calling Jess, feeling slightly guilty for not tell her she was still with Finn sooner... But the majority of the guilt was drowned out by the comforting feeling of Finn's arms wrapped around her.
Jess answered the phone.
"I'm soooooooo sorry Jess!!! I stayed a little after everyone left last night and me and Finn kinda fell asleep and I'm sorry Jess...."
"SORRY!"Finn yelled into the phone speaker.
Jess sighed. Amanda couldn't tell if it was disappointment or relief,"At least you're alive and not kidnapped... What time will you be home?"
"I'll leave right now!"
They hung up. Despair crossed Finn's face when he heard he say she was leaving but understood why. He couldn't help but feel a wash of guilty selfishness for wanting her to stay when he already took her away from her sister for a night and Jess was worried sick, as they expected.
Amanda began to stand reluctantly as she pulled herself from Finn's caring arms. She walked towards the door and he followed her, opening the door before her.
"Till next time Milady,"Finn said with a slight bow.
Amanda giggled as she stepped out the door way,"Don't even try, Finn."
They both laughed till she was half away across the yard, and they waved to each other one last time before Amanda left running down the street.

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