1.1K 26 51

T- The gratitude I feel

H- Has no limits or boundaries

A- And it's not something I can easily let you know;

N- Nothing could have taken me here if not for all of you

K- Kindness deserves to be rewarded

Y- Yesterdays are now pasts that didn't fail from

O- Offering me a tiny podium;

U- Ushering me on to experiment with a unique poetry style

I hope, you kind readers know that it was an amazing journey with all of you right beside me. I wanted to thank all my supporters on this collection, for bearing with me throughout and for all the awesome comments. All those 1.5k reads I got are from the kindest people in the history of kindest beings.

Thank you. That's all I have to say.

I had started this collection back in early December 2015, when I was inspired by Hafsa's acrostic poems. I wanted to indulge in an experiment and Acrostic poetry was the only form poetry that could grab my attention. I have wanted to try out haikus and blitzes for sometime, but then I am too lazy to actually get to it. Figures.

Now that I have tried out my hand at these, it has worn me out. This form doesn't excite me anymore. Initially I wanted to write here when I faced a writer's block. Only, this turned out be a load I didn't want to carry any longer. I have decided to end it right here, because no one wants to be dragged when it wants to rest. The poems in the beginning (like all the others in all my collections) are no good. But, I have certainly gotten better with each update. That happened only because of you all, and once again, thank you.

I want to focus on my primary works, "My soul wants to tell you", "Cynosure", "My essence wants to tell you" and "Barefoot whispers." It's time I bade this book a big goodbye.


Mynameisshort My huge supporter whose comments never fail to pull out a giggle.

LetMeSmileToo I can never forget Shelly, oh no, oh no :)

KayTheBookworm Another great friend who is super kind. She flatters me, at the unexpected times. Haha : )

amatur_rahman My dear sister who is just amazing. And amazing. And amazing.

bree3991 My very faithful supporter who reads every update I post. Crap or not, lol. :))

Kiara786786 Tommy! You too! You too!

MelodyRush I just love your comments more than you, Rash. As brutal as that sounds, rofl!

Miss_Lost_Soul Vaibhavi! Another bree3991 who reads all the stupid stuff I post. I can never even let you know how much you mean to me, both as a friend and a supporter :)

EdwinBrown9 You too,Sir. Thank you for reading most of it. You got this girl smiling those times :-)

Mousta3ed Musta! You too. Where is that rhyming acrostic you said you would write?!

MyNameIsUniverse Dear Kainat, you too. :)

seasofme I can never forget this lady right here! That's just morbid, if I do.

shanineen Kind words wrapped in sweetness. That's her comments I am talking about!

spring_sky Setu! All the time in the Wattpad world she spends for me, sigh...:)

SwanyG Miss Swan too!

tamoja Ah, my dear Wommy. Gotta love her. She is kick-ass!

DemoniCake You visited some days, didn't you?! I love you anyway.

CielloMaxin My Charon! I can never leave you out. There is no Pluto without Charon :')

And of course the one who even got me want to try, 1137xyz ! Thank you, Hafsa. For all your wild encouragement.

And then last, but not the least, my bestie fauzia660 who reads everything I write because she is in my real life, not just virtual. Trust me, I have told her plenty of times not to read me. She is adamant, so she does just that. She can break bones so I don't really try hard...uh.

Now, I am sorry for not mentioning all those who read and voted. You mean so much to me just as the ones I mentioned. I lost you in my feed, so please forgive me.

Thank you everyone! Peace out.

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