Entry 2

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Entry: 2

We just had lunch. It was good. There were sandwiches and fruits of all kinds. Everyone filled their stomaches.

Okay, so now I'll continue with what I was saying earlier. I need to finish yesterday's experience before tomorrow comes.

After the man left, the room dimmed again. The fuzziness in my vision cleared and the ability to move with my own will came back.

Something flashed across my mind. Not the memory from before. The vision wasn't even full, just a glimps of something, but it was utterly horrifying. It felt like the walls were closing in on me. I began to hyperventilate. My eyes zipped around the room looking for some kind of exit, anything at all. Every inch of my body was quaking.

When I hit the point where I feel to my hands and knees, a door opened behind me. Air suddenly blew in taking away all the heaviness I'd been feeling just a moment ago. Once I stopped shaking, I pushed myself up and began to walk towards the door.

Just before I walked past the bright light and into whatever was on the other side, I hesitated. "

What if what's out there is worse than what I just went though in here? What if it's worse than the faceless man or this horrid little room?"

I asked my self all the 'what if' questions I could think of, however in the end, the thought that nothing could feel worse than what I'd just went though crosses my mind. I finally walked through the door.

The other side wasn't outside though, it was another room. It was a giant room linned with hallways and a staircase. The walls were linned with doors, each a different color. There were so many, it made my head spin (at that moment I decided that I'd count exactly how many there were one day). The most bizzare thing, however, the fact that there were sofas and tables and other comfortable home-y things everywhere. There were flowers and ferns and vases and pictures of random things. 

It was really strange.

Oh, I forgot to mention! I wasn't alone. There were others in that room. LOTS of them... I think there were as many of them as there were doors! They all stopped whatever they were doing and put all eyes on me. I felt very much on the spot. I didn't like it...

Something buzzed and an announcement played "I'd like you all to welcome your new housemate!" It was his voice; the faceless man. "His name is Dresden Ravenbron! Please do treat him kindly. Now, Dresdon, There is a door with your name on it, please look around and find it. Once you do, go inside. You'll find instuctions there. Have fun!"

It buzzed again and the announcement was over. A few people nodded to me and others just looked my way. Someone was even nice enough to say welcome, a pretty woman with blonde hair and purple eyes. She seemed nice.

I asked her her name and when she hesitated, thats when it dawned on me. She is just like me. That they all are like me.

They were all in that little white room. They all are missing their memories. They were all given a 'name'.

I realized, we are all nameless.

 I'll finish the rest after we have dinner.

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