Blood Trade : Chapter 24

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[The next chapter is up atlast! yay! I hope you enjoy the mystery. This is just the beginning there is still a lot more to come ^^]

Chapter 24


Aura couldn't sleep that night even though the human girl besides her continued to snore softly at regular intervals. Her mind refused to shut down the questions that kept popping up behind her eyes, causing her to toss from one side to the another.

She was sure Gisela had let slip that information in her sleep and not intentionally. It was definitely something that had bothered the girl over a period of time and now that Aura had entered her life, she must have thought the vampire had the solution to this problem. Maybe she did, but Aura couldn't think of anything at the moment that might help their situation.

As far as she knew about the Emerson's family history, there had been no links connecting them to the possible vampire sightings in this town. Was it long before that? Was Gisela's Great-grandma in her mid-twenties when the incident took place? If that was the case then there was no way of finding whether the tale was true or not. It was highly possible that the granny had fed her lies because of some unknown illness she had suffered. She needed more details on this particular case... maybe her mother would be able to shed some light on it.

Aura made a quick decision to meet up with Michelle Emerson the following morning before dropping Gisela off to school.

After another few minutes of thinking over the matter, Aura drifted off in to the dark world of dreams and past memories.


It was still dark when Aura woke up from the two hour sleep she had managed to catch before dawn. She opened her eyes to adjust to the semi-darkness that surrounded her and found that the curtains had been drawn, blocking the morning light from streaming in.

She shifted to her side and her hand immediately stretched out to touch the warm skin of Gisela, who was supposedly still sound asleep, but was surprised to find her side of the bed empty and cold. Withdrawing her hand from the space Aura got up and looked around once again hoping to see the beauty hiding in one of the corners of the room, but of course she wasn't.

'Gisela?' Aura whispered, lines of worry formed over her forehead as she tried to think of where the human had run off to, so early in the morning.

Her senses told her that Gisela was no longer present in the room nor was she in the bathroom adjacent to it. Aura let her ears travel downstairs, listening to the steady heartbeats of the other members residing in the mansion. Gisela's soft melody was something that she had grown used and would have picked up the sound even if she was a mile away. But now as she searched for that familiar tune she couldn't hear it, no matter where she looked.

The only uneven heartbeats she could hear were coming from the kitchen, presumably her mother and one other person.

Where was she? Had she left already?

Aura sighed as she thought of what had happened the previous night. Maybe the shock of the bite had been too much for Gisela, more than she could have imagined. The guilt of what she had done pierced he heart and Aura found it hard to breathe. Had she finally gone and done something unforgivable? Is that why Gisela has decided to stay away from her? To create as much space as possible so that she could decide on what to do next? Was that it?

The possibility that this could be the end of their relationship, scared Aura and tears pricked at her eyelids.

Some people believed that vampires cried tears of blood; it was another one of those baseless myths that had been born in the mid-eighties. Aura chuckled deeply at that thought, wondering if blood-red tears would fall from her eyes if she tried hard enough. She had never been this sad before, never been this broken and wishing to let out her emotions by crying. Aura had always considered crying as a sign of weakness, something that only humans were capable of showing. It was one of the reasons why most of the nocturnal creatures found them helpless and utterly vulnerable to their attacks.

Blood Trade│Vampyre Series #1│DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now