Day Seven

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I slowly opened my eyes and woke up yawning. I blinked several times adjusting my eyesight. I looked up and saw Sweden staring at me patiently. Noticing we were extremely close, I looked down to myself. I surprised myself seeing I was completely wrapped around Sweden. I had my arms around his waist and torso and my legs entwined between his, making it impossible to move.

I blushed and let go of him untangling myself from his limbs. I sat up on my knees as he propped himself on his elbows. "I'm so sorry!" I apologized, "I hope I didn't bother you too much!" Sweden shook his head and fully sat up. He brushed some of my hair which was covering my face and placed a small kiss between my eyebrows.

I blushed and smiled. I could never have enough of those small kisses. He pushed the covers off him and stood up. He pointed to the bathroom and I nodded responding, "Okay. I'll go take a shower as well." With that, he stepped in the bathroom closing the door after himself. I got up as well and headed towards my own bedroom.

After showering and putting a new set of clothes, I descended to the kitchen, my stomach grumbling. Sweden was already downstairs and was frying eggs in a pan. I helped set the table and cut the bread. Breakfast was ready before we knew it and we ate contently. The rest of the morning was peaceful, we each sat on a sofa and read our books.

Being with Sweden wasn't all that easy, I was always afraid to say I shouldn't, that I would be a bother to him. The thing was, I desperately wanted to always cling onto him. Since I had finally started feeling comfortable with Sweden, my cuddly nature began to sprout again. Just sitting next to him would make me happy. While thinking those sort of things I told myself, 'You really like him, don't you. To think you were terrified of the nation.' I smiled, realizing that my feelings grew day after day for the man.

I put my book down and stared at Sweden. "Sweden." He raised his head and looked at me with a blank expression. "Yes, wife?" he asked looking at me tilting his head. A blush spread across my face, he looked like an adorable puppy! I briefly shook my head and pointed to him. "Can I come sit next to you?" I requested. He looked down next to himself then back to me. He was sitting on an armchair and didn't necessarily have much space for me to sit in. He shrugged his shoulders and voiced, "But... There isn't much-"

"That's okay, I don't mind, as long as it doesn't bother you!" I cut him off smiling. He nodded and scooted over, leaving me just a little place for me to squeeze in. I happily ran up to him and sat myself down in the tiny gap. I swung my legs over his, letting them dangle from the armrest. I snaked my way under Sweden's arms resting my head on his chest. I proudly opened my book and started reading. I felt Sweden's gaze on me then heard a low chuckle. He turned the page of his book and continued reading as well. I grinned to myself and nuzzled closer.

We stayed like that until my stomach decided to awaken once more. The both of us headed to the kitchen and made lunch. I occasionally spoke up about a small thing which crossed my mind otherwise the meal was pretty silent. Though now I've learned to live with that silent, it's not uncomfortable so it's fine. I know Sweden's always had a little difficulty with communicating.

After lunch, Sweden said he had something to take care of and would spend the afternoon in his shed. I tried prying what exactly he was working on but he wouldn't answer me. He asked me to not follow him and so, I watched him cross the backyard to an actually pretty big shed, my arms crossed and a pout on my face. I plopped myself on the couch and laid down my arms still crossed over each other. I was curious about what was going on over there and a little disappointed that I wasn't allowed to be with Sweden.

After a while of sulking, I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I opened cupboards, drawers and the refrigerator. After observing the ingredients at hand, I decided to bake a cake. I picked up Sweden's apron and put it over my shoulders. The apron was so big it almost touched the ground. I had to tie it in the front otherwise the laces would have been too long. I looked down to myself and thought my attire was funny but started the preparation of the sweet. I placed all the needed ingredients on the kitchen table and took out a bowl and other utensils.

I mixed the ingredients while humming. In ten minutes, the dough was ready and I dipped my finger in it. The chocolatey taste melted in my mouth and I had to seriously control myself from eating the rest. I set the mixture in a mold and placed it in the pre-heated oven. While it was baking, I cleaned my workspace and the equipment I used. I looked at the time and occasionally checked on the cake. I decided to make tea as well so I boiled water and took out some herbal teas.

After what seemed an eternity the cake was finally ready. I took it out of the oven them out of the mold and placed it on a nice plate. I decorated it with molten chocolate and placed strawberries on top of that. I observed my creation proudly not wanting to actually eat it. As if. I took a knife and cut out two slices. I placed them on plates and took out two forks as well. I poured the tea into mugs and placed one on a tray next to one of the plates.

I carried the tray outside to the shed. Standing next to it I could hear multiple sounds coming from it. Sweden seemed to be very busy. I balanced the tray on one hand and knocked on the shed's door. Silence overcame the little shack then footsteps approached the door. Sweden slightly opened the door and looked at me. I smiled and placed the tray forward.

"I made a cake and some tea, would you like some? I figured you could eat something since you've been in there all afternoon," I uttered staring at my feet then back at him. His eyes widened and sparkled. His face relaxed and his lips almost curved into a smile. "Thank you," he said sincerely, taking the tray in his hands. Seeing him so pleased made me just as happy. The best part of giving someone something is seeing them happy about it.

"I'm sorry, I still have work here. I'll join you later," he voiced, downhearted. I smiled and shook my hand, "Don't worry about it, just do what you have to! I'll wait for you." I walked up to him and stood on my tiptoes. I gently pecked his cheek and turned around before he could see my blushing face.

I scurried back into the house and sat down in the living room with my tea and cake. I made sure not to make a mess while eating. I turned the TV on and spent the rest of my day there. Eventually I fell asleep.

I awoke feeling soft pats on my shoulder. I fluttered my eyes open and Sweden was crouching down his face right next to mine. Seeing him so close to my face made me blush. I pushed myself up as he stood. "Dinner is ready," he announced already walking towards the kitchen. I got up and followed him, my stomach still not satisfied with all the meals I had that day.

After supper, I headed to my room while Sweden was still downstairs. At the end of the hallway, I froze in front of my bedroom door. I looked across to Sweden's bedroom. I glanced back and forth all the while seriously pondering what to do. In the end, I slammed my bedroom door open and ran inside closing it behind me. I darted to the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth then changed into my pajamas. A faint blush covered my cheeks as I finished getting ready for bed.

I turned off the lights and opened my door. I crept to Sweden's room and peeped the door open. After confirming he wasn't in, I jumped onto the bed my arms and legs spread wide open. I inhaled Sweden's smell and snuck under the covers. I pulled them up to my ear and closed my eyes.

Not too long after, Sweden came in his room. I could hear him change and head to the bathroom. A couple minutes later he came back and sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the sheets over himself and laid down. "Good night wife," he said placing his glasses on the nightstand. I blushed and opened my eyes seeing him laying on his side, back facing me. For some reason, I had expected him to not notice me until he accidentally bumped into me or something. Realizing I was just really dumb, I just forgot about the whole thing.

"Good night Sweden."

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