Day Five

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I had barely slept all night. I would either complain to myself over what happened or actually be happy about it. When I caught myself smiling, I would slam my hands on my face whining, "What is wrong with me..?"

However, that morning, I had decided to be honest. Yes, I did have feelings for Sweden, and not in the 'best friend' kind of way. I had confronted him about it, now, all that was left was to finish what I had started. I needed to make it clear. I love Sweden.

I spent all morning trying to figure out a way to see Sweden. I didn't want to go back to his house, it would be seen as bothersome, and I didn't know how I could invite him somewhere without dying from embarrassment.

It was early afternoon and I was still pacing around my house nibbling on some Finnish chocolate, trying to ease my stress. My head started to spin and I sat down. I took a couple deep breaths, I wasn't going to get anywhere if I didn't straighten out my thoughts.

'Okay, so, I like him, he likes me... Then what is wrong? Theoretically, it's supposed to be perfect! Not many people get their feelings returned by their crush, in fact, it's actually a miracle if it happens..!'

I buried my face in my hands, I wasn't helping myself at all. I laid on my back facing the ceiling. I brought more chocolate to my lips and continued eating in frustration. If I could describe myself at that moment, it would be something like an angry and hungry bunny munching on something which his stomach and hips would later disagree on.

As my worries were slowly erased by the sweet taste of my favorite treat, I heard a faint knock on the door. I bolted up in excitement secretly wishing it was him. I inhaled deeply, brushing my clothes with my hands to try and smooth them out. I walked to the front door and slowly opened it.

I was extremely disappointed finding no one at the door. I sighed bending my head down. Then I saw a white envelope on the door mat. I picked it up biting my lips. I turned it around and read, "To Finland, From Sweden." I recognized Sweden's neat handwriting and smiled.

I looked up and searched right and left, hoping he might still be there. Seeing no one was there I closed the door behind me and quickly made my way to the living room plopping myself down on my sofa. I opened the letter impatiently and read it.

My dear Wife,
I find myself extremely flattered and happy that there is a chance you return the feelings I have for you.
I would just like you to know that I will always consider you my wife and most important person in my life, no matter how long it will take for you to be at ease with your feelings. I have loved you since we were only small nations, from that moment, I decided you were to become my wife.
Take the time you need to make your decision, regardless of your conclusion, please keep in mind that I will always love and be loyal to only you.
My sincere regards,

I chuckled and blushed noticing how Sweden was actually very good with words, however not face to face. I reread the letter trying to understand exactly what he meant.

'Wait... He always calls me his wife and here he tells me to take my time regarding my decision,' I pondered frowning slightly. My eyes widened as I came to a conclusion. 'Does he want me to marry him?!'

I brought my hand to my mouth and thought it all over. My heart race accelerated and an awkward smile crept onto my lips. I stood up and ran into my room, grabbing my coat and boots, I was out the door in a flash.

I walked, ran, jogged all the way to Sweden's house. I arrived to the small dirt path then in front of the big house. I spotted Sweden sitting in his porch carving a little piece of wood with a knife. I walked up to him until I was a meter away from him. Only then he noticed my presence.

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