Chapter 20

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I'm not supposed to love you, 

I'm not supposed to care, 

I'm not supposed to live my life, 

wishing you were there.

I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do, 

I'm sorry I just can't help myself, 

I fell in love with you. 

I woke up feeling tired than ever. I wanted to go back to sleep. Maybe I was emotionally tired and not physically. I haven't been jogging recently either and I blame myself because I got myself in that accident. Everything seems to be falling a part. 

I'm not on speaking terms with my father. I think Evan has started to fall out of love with me. Damian doesn't trust me anymore. And even worse, I think I've failed this mission. Something started to vibrate in the room, so I forced myself out of bed and looked around. It was coming from my purse. I looked for the source of the vibrations and it was my phone. 

"Hello." I answered. 

"Hey." It was Ezra. 

"What's up?" 

"I just finished breakfast with Lucy."

"Nice, I just woke up." 

"Oh ok. Um, so I saw everything that happened last night." He said. 

My heart sunk, I didn't even want to think about last night. The look on Damian's face made my heart ache. "Yah. It got nasty."

"Nasty? Nads, he killed two people." He said unusually in a calm way. 

"Yah, I don't know if the bodies are still there. I didn't know what to do. I thought that you would be able to handle it." I said. 

"Don't worry. As soon as you guys left, I had some of our men go down there and take them into the labs." He assured. 

"Ok. That's good." I said. 

"Are you ok?" He asked. 

"Yah." I sounded unsure with myself. 

"Did you want to talk about it, or anything else?" 

Do you mean do I want to talk to you about being in love with two men? 

"No, I'm just really exhausted." I said with one hand on my hip. I peeped through the bedroom door to see if Damian was coming or not. 

"You know that you can talk to me if anything is bothering you right. If you want you can quit the mission. You can always quit if you want to." He reminded me. 

If you were a younger agent, the firm would allow you to quit if you weren't capable of taking it on. Or if you simply thought that it was too hard. "No, I'm fine really." I said. 

"Nadia." Damian called me from downstairs. 

"Ezra I got to go." I hung up the phone. 

"Coming." I said to Damian. I walked downstairs to find him on his laptop. He had two sunny side up eggs on the table. 

"I made breakfast, you must be hungry." He said. I looked at him waiting for him to look up at me and he did. He gave me a short smile then went back on his laptop and typed away. 

"You didn't eat yet?" I asked. 

"I was waiting," He began saying. "For the coffee machine to start working." 

Oh, I thought he would've said me.

I sat down and pulled the plate closer to me. 

"You don't seem startled." He said. 

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