Chapter 12

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He slowly opened the door and I was shocked with what he revealed...

Everywhere I looked there were monitors, different computers. Weapons, cameras, gadgets, and what seemed to be a control panel of some sort.

I walked around the room examining everything, recognizing some of the weapons, I was curious if he had ever used them cause if he has, then he has skills. Maybe equivalent to mine but not better than mine.

Time to use my acting skills.

"D-Damian, what is all of this?" I turned around and saw him standing near, now closed, door. He slowly stalked towards me, I pretended to be scared and vulnerable and it seemed to work. I let him feel like he had more dominance over me. He gently held me by my shoulders, once he did I tensed up. "Damian-"

"Wait, before you assume anything I just want to tell you what this all is." He said quickly. He pointed behind me, to take a seat on a chair and he sat down down from across me at his desk's chair. "This is where I keep all my treasures." I folded my arms.

"Are you a murderer?" I asked.

"No." He said baffled.

"Then explain the weapons." I pointed at them.

He looked at them and then back to me, "Oh, those." He scratched his head. "I haven't killed anyone, but I use them." He explained.

"Are you a kidnapper?" I asked.

"No! Never. That's just cruel." he said rapidly.

"Are you a thief?" I asked, and everything went silent.

"In some sense..." He trailed off.

"Ok, explain that. Cause this is scaring me." Yeah right.

"No, wait don't be. I'm trying my best to explain. Just please don't judge me."

I nodded my head, acting uncomfortable.

"When I was 8 years old, my parents were transferred to Seattle because of business. The company's name is Athena. It was hard, but they did it for the money and to provide me with better opportunities. I tried my best to cooperate with them cause I knew how hard it was."

I was actually very engaged in Damian's story. I hope he's telling the truth.

"So when we got there, a week later, my parents had already started liking it there and told me that they're doing well. I never complained cause I was happy for them. They were hard workers and very deserving." He explained. I was looking directly into his eyes and I could tell he was telling the truth.

"Unfortunately, their boss stopped paying them fairly and didn't give them what they had a right to. Since they were on senior posts they were supposed to have the right to having their own offices and promotions but the boss was very biased. He favourited people that gave him favours." He began to speak in a furious tone.

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